Part 28

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True to her word, Jack has danced with me every night, making me feel like I'm the most special person in the universe. It's date night and we are having two dates this week, we compromised, and Jack was willing to celebrate Valentine's this year, much to my inward happiness. She is running late tonight, but I've just put dinner on, so I'm not stressing that it will be ruined by the time she gets here. Five minutes later she comes flying through the door. "I'm so sorry." She quickly places a kiss on my lips, and I scrunch up my face. "I know, I know, I reek." I laughed and swatted her backside with the dish towel.

"Yes, you do, go and shower." I was wanting to speak to Jack tonight about something, so I need to work up the nerve to do it.

"Okay, but here, take my phone, set up the music, you know what to do." Jack handed me her phone and I took it from her. When I was with he that shall no longer be named, he always wanted to check my phone to see who had messaged etc. I'm grateful for secure folders on phones at times as that's where I sent my messages from and then made the folder disappear into the abyss. But Jack, she doesn't bother her shirt. We trust each other completely and she knows the passcode to my phone and vice versa. I mocked her with her zero one, zero one code but she said she changed it to the best day of her life, the day I kissed her.

I connected her phone and automatically hit play and thought nothing else of it, but the song that was playing caught my attention. When the words 'Just need a little taste baby, that's all it takes, Loving the touch of your body, baby bring it over here, late at night when I need more you, all damn night and I need more you' I couldn't help but smile. Looking at her phone, seeing the song title 'Ain't Easy' I knew that somethings needed to change. I'm not saying Jack would walk away from me, I know she's in it for the long haul, but I think I need to make some changes in my life.

Twenty minutes later, Jack was back in the living room area looking cute in three quarter length trousers and a vest top. We've always said to dress comfortably on our date nights as when we are set free, we can dress up and have more fun outside of these four walls, being the couple, we are ready to be. My mouth went dry on the sight of Jack and inwardly I felt the battle raging on. "Dinner will be ready in ten minutes."

"Then come and dance with me. I promise I smell a lot better than I did when I got home." I chuckled and slipped into Jacks arms. I can't begin to tell you how safe, secure, comforting it feels to be in her arms, but I guess that's just a start. I love running my hands through the back of her hair, feeling the short stubble hiding underneath her long locks. I run my fingertips through it and Jack usually hums along to the song that is playing at the time and for some unknown reason, Ain't easy played again on her playlist. Hearing her hum the words along to the song, holding me close, I felt like my legs were going to turn to jelly. "What is for dinner?"

"Salmon with vegetables. Trifle for pudding."

"You have been busy. I feel bad that I was late."

"Don't be. You are here now and that's all that matters..." We danced until the song finished and the beeper went off. "Time to rescue dinner before you distract me, as usual."

"Hey...I take offence to that." Jack shot me a grin and I just shook my head. I couldn't love this woman even more, even if I tried. "Do you want me to help you serve up?"

"No babe. Just go and sit at the table and make yourself comfortable. Your drink is already there."


I know Ellie has been stressed with all the trial preparation, working and trying to make our relationship work and I just need her to relax. I'm not going anywhere. I waited long enough for us to lock lips and despite my growing frustration with the lack of intimacy, I have to remain patient. I can't even begin to fathom what she went through. I know what she has told me, what she has shown me, but surely the psychological impact on her must have been greater. At times when I go to do things, I see her flinch and my heart breaks for her. That's why I've been willing to take baby steps when it comes to Ellie.

I sat at the table and true to her word, there was my beer sitting there, waiting to be consumed. But I waited. I'm not going to be rude when Ellie has worked hard all week and then prepared our meal for tonight. Whilst I agreed on a Valentine's night, we both agreed just to get a takeaway so we can spend time together, and I'm hoping that by spending the entire day together, will distract Ellie from her mind. "There you go." I looked up from my beer bottle that I had evidently being staring at, lost in thought.

"Thanks babe, it looks amazing." The first bit of salmon just melted in my mouth and I groaned in satisfaction. "Tastes amazing too." I watched the blush creep up Ellie's neck and then pink her cheeks. I've become all too self-aware that she doesn't take compliments that well, probably because she isn't used to receiving them. "Are you sure you aren't a secret master chef or something? Every food you have cooked so far has been mouth-watering tasty."

"You perceive it as that. You were living off microwave meals and crap before. I'm surprised you still have abs." I love it when she is cheeky with me and I snorted a laughter.

"My work keeps me fit, you know that. Plus, I pop to the gym every second day. So, bring it on babe." She let out the most adorable laugh and we continued to enjoy our meal together. During our pudding though, she became a little distracted, but I kept a close eye on her. It looked as though she had a million thoughts running through her head and once we had finished eating, I stood up and started to clear the table. That was our deal. Whoever cooks, the other person clears up and as I stepped into the kitchen, it was almost sparkling. I just shook my head and place the plates in the dishwasher and turned it on. "What do you fancy doing?"

"How about finding a film and just relaxing together? It's been a long week."

"Sure, that sounds like a plan." I love how she snuggles into me when we are watching the television together and there is no place I would rather be than by her side. I will be the first to admit that I've got it bad for Ellie, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I absentmindedly run my fingers through her hair and kiss the top of her head. Hearing her chuckle from the antics of Rebel Wilson on the movie is like music to my ears. Something light-hearted, warm and fun to watch and we can always watch some mush tomorrow since it's Valentine's day.

I've got her a card. Maybe I'm turning into an absolute soft git with Ellie, but secretly, I love it. When I was with Dani, I must admit, looking back, I never done half the things I do for Ellie. Is it because my relationship with Dani became predictable? Was that why she strayed and broke my heart into a million pieces? I really shouldn't think about this right now, especially when I have Ellie in my arms, but I guess it's a rational fear. What if I become dull for Ellie? I know for sure that she would never cheat, despite our initial attraction, it never went any further than flirtation.

Time together for tonight, was coming to an end as I looked at the clock and it was nearly eleven. "Babe? Do you want to head to bed? It's been a long day for us both."

"Mhmmm." Ellie stood up and as I stood, I stretched and let out a satisfied groan. "If you don't mind, I'm going to sleep in my room tonight."

"Of course, I don't mind, let me walk you to your door." It had become a standard joke, but we kept doing it and hey, I thought I was being chivalrous. At her door, we kissed and said goodnight and I went back to check that the apartment was secure and then headed to my room. I sat on my bed flicking through some notifications and then I thought I heard my name being called out, but I swore blind I was hearing things.

"JACK!!!" Nope, I wasn't hearing things. "Jack and you come here please and remove an unwanted visitor." I chuckled to myself. Her fear of spiders is somewhat cute, but hey if it makes me look good, I will deposit our unwanted visitor back outside. I knocked on her door and she never answered so I opened it up and instantly stopped. My mouth went dry, my eyes popped out my skull. There was Ellie, lying on top of her bed in baby blue pants and camisole top, looking sexy as hell and I was literally frozen to the spot.

"There is no spider is there?" Ellie gave me a devilish smirk and shook her head. "Then..."

"Then, listen to me when I tell you this Jack...I'm ready."

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