Part 5

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I've honestly kept myself busy the past few weeks and I don't think any of the lads would have let my business sink if I needed time to myself. However, I don't work like that. I'm a hands-on boss, always willing to learn new tricks of the trade, doing what I love doing best, building things, watching things materialise. I held a meeting with my crew and informed them that Dani and I had split up, but that wouldn't stop me from working my ass off. I had a few of them come up to me, particularly the older fellows suggesting I take time for myself, but if I do that, I'm going to be tormented by the thoughts of Dani and her bit on the side.

When Carson made an appearance the other night, I was shocked. Not the fact that my sister had turned up to check on me, that is something that I would expect, but it was the fact that I had been single for almost two months. It shows how distracted I've managed to keep myself between work and revamping my apartment. However, once the guest bedroom is done, the nights will be my own again and I have no idea what the hell I'm going to do. "Party, this Friday, to allow you all to compensate for a two-day hangover, my place, eight p.m.!" Reading Carson's text message that had just popped through confirmed my plans for Friday, as for a two-day hangover, that doesn't sound appealing.

When Friday finally rolled around, I could have honestly just stayed in bed. I got up begrudgingly and had my shower and got ready for work. I already had informed the lads that I was taking a half day as I wanted to help Carson get her place ready for a bunch of women ready to party. I clocked off at two and instead of going home, I made my way straight to Carson's and grabbed my bag out of the back seat of the van and her door to her apartment flung open before I even got to raise my hand. "Hey sis!"

"Someone is excited..."

"But of course! Come on in." Dumping my bag in the room I normally crash in if I stay over, which is more than a likely event to happen this evening, I came back out into the living room and arched my eyebrow at my sister.

"What's the plan?"

"Well, for one, you look like you need a shower and a sleep. Why don't you do that, and I can wake you up say around five? I'm going to pop out to collect some last-minute groceries for this evening. Do you want anything?"

"Nah I'm good. I have my beer in the van." Carson nodded and I was a little relieved for the peace and quiet to enable me to shower in peace and as my body sank into the familiar bed, I smiled to myself. No matter what is going on in our lives, being with Carson always makes me smile. Succumbing to sleep, I buried my body under the covers more and let out a contented sight.

It felt as though I had just shut my eyes when Carson came in the room and gently shook me by my shoulder to waken me. Trying to focus, I looked around and remembered where I was. The alarm clock flashed that it was not long after five o'clock and I groaned, throwing the covers back and got out of bed. I sleepily followed Carson into the kitchen where my eyes went wide, and I looked at her as if she had lost her damn mind. "Did you buy the entire supermarket?"

"Well, we all have different likes and dislikes and I want to incorporate that into this evening."

"Please don't tell me we are playing games? I'm not sure I'm up for that kind of party. I don't mind discussing your upcoming wedding or having a drink and a chat, but games, I'm not in the frame of mind for that. Sorry, I don't mean to be a downer." Carson looked at me and quirked her eyebrow and I let out a sigh. "Dani posted a picture of herself on her social media this morning. She looked a little, forlorn."

"Don't do this to yourself Jack, it's her way to get to you and it's evidently working. What are you still doing following her on social media anyway?"

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