Chapter 56

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A piercing scream woke me up and I nearly fell out of the bed with how lifelike it was. Then I realised that it was Ellie, and she was thrashing about in the bed, screaming my name and what appeared to be 'no'. The sweat was dripping off her body and as I touched her, she shrieked some more and I don't normally wake Ellie up if she's having a nightmare, but this one unnerved me, and I raised my voice slightly. "Ellie, wake up!!" I gave her a firm shook and her eyes flew open, she stared at me, blinked a few times and wet her lips with her tongue.

"Jack?" She called my name in what sounded like surprise and she touched me. A relieved look spread across her face and she pulled herself up into me and I engulfed my arms around her and held her close to me.

"I'm here baby, what on earth was that all about?" Sobs wracked from Ellie and I knew she would tell me about her nightmare once she composed herself.

"Grant. He killed you, other people, me too I think. We were in a petrol station and he set it alight, and it went up. I watched you die, Jack..." Her tears sprung again and bounced off her cheeks and I gently wiped them away. "Its supposed to happen today."

"Well, for one, I will tell you it's not going to happen."

"How can you be so sure?"

"We won't be near a petrol station, I filled up the other day when I went to see Carson, so we have a full tank babe." Ellie's tension in her body left and she sank into me. I moved a little and lifted her out of the bed and into our bathroom. I deposited her by the sink and turned on the shower. "Arms up." She done as I asked and lifted her arms up and I pulled off her soaked vest top and tossed it into the laundry hamper. I lifted her up off the counter and pulled her shorts down, and then guided her into the shower, pulling my own clothes off to join her.

I washed her from her hair to her toes, revelling in her soft skin, her body melting into my touch and her body becoming relaxed. "Rinse off. I'm going to change the bedsheet." I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me and went back into our bedroom. I pulled off the bedsheet and changed her pillow for a fresh one and just as I pulled back the sheet, Ellie stepped out into the bedroom in her towel, looking a lot more relaxed and sleepier. "Come here."

Ellie stepped into my arms and I towelled her off some more, making sure that she was dry, although her hair would remain damp. I let the towel drop to the floor alongside mine and encouraged Ellie to lie back down on the bed. I walked around to my side of the bed, scooping her into my arms, bringing the sheets over us and revelled in holding her close. I was naïve to think that Grant wouldn't always have a hold over us, but in realistic terms, he will always be there, even if it's a distant memory of all the things he done. Ellie has progressed well, but any slight news of him, she unravels, and it feels like we are rehashing the past out again. "I'm sorry I woke you, Jack."

"I'm not. I got to shower with my wife." She let out a small chuckled as my fingertips traced over her skin softly hoping to lull us both back to sleep.

Later that morning, I slipped out of bed, shattered from the restless sleep we both had and wondered how on earth I was going to make a three-hour drive and not feel even more exhausted that I already am. Caffeine. That will be my friend today and will see me through. I pottered about the kitchen, making us breakfast, getting the coffee on the go when Ellie made an appearance, yawning her pretty face off. I smiled at her as she had grabbed one of my shirts and had made no attempt to button it up. "Don't you look beautiful." She arched her eyebrow at me and shook her head.

"I don't feel it."

"Well, you are." Ellie sat down and I slid her breakfast towards her and returned with a cup of coffee. "How are you feeling now?"

"Tired. I'm betting you are as well. I'm sorry that he's disturbing our life once more, I think I will settle knowing that today, he will not get his appeal and they will keep him to his original sentence." Ellie bit into her bagel and groaned making me smile.

"Well, by the time court finishes, we will be miles away, meeting up with our friends. To be fair, I don't know if Caroline's intervention is going to happen, but I do know that the people are going, all have a history so, its going to be interesting. If it goes ahead, I hope Caroline listens, really listens. As for Grant, he can pop in and out of our lives all he wants, but there is one thing he will never get to do."

"What's that?"

"Marry you. I beat him to it." I watched Ellie's face break into the most adorable grin that always set my heart a flutter and that she is genuinely happy with my support, my love, my everything. "We have a few hours before we have to set off. What do you say? Let's turn off our phones, set a normal alarm clock and get a few more hours shut eye before we have to leave?" Ellie stood up and held her hand out for me to take and I walked over to her.

"Let's go back upstairs."


My dream last night felt so lifelike, so real, that I experienced pain of what it would feel like if I lost Jack and that nearly ripped me into two. I felt her hand in mine as I led her back upstairs and when we got into our room, I peeled off her shirt and slipped under the bed covers and held out my arms to Jack. Jack slid under the covers and into my arms, resting her head on my shoulder, wrapping her arm around my waist. It felt a little strange as normally she would hold me, but I felt bad for waking her up during the night, that I wanted to reassure her just as much as she reassure me on a daily basis.

Jack does this cute thing when she is trying to fall asleep, she traces her fingertips over my skin every so slightly, doing mindless patterns, until her breathing evens out and she succumbs to sleep. Jack fell asleep relatively quickly and it took me around ten minutes or so to join her. We slept for two hours, waking up with a jolt when our alarm clock blared in the room and Jack let out this cute groan and I chuckled and snuggled back into her. "Do we have time for lunch or anything? We never ate much at breakfast; bed was too enticing and not in the sexual way."

"I know, we were both tired. Did you sleep okay? It was a little different being held by you, but it was enjoyable, especially if I crash out that quick."

"I slept well, no crazy ass dreams to wake us both up and any disturbances. Although, I'm sure when we turn our phones on, they will bleep like crazy."

"Well, let's wait a little longer before we switch them on, enjoy the silence since we are going to be surrounded by five other couples on this weekend away."

"That sounds like a plan."

"Do you know what else sounds like a plan?"


"A trip down south..." Jack disappeared under the covers and I let out a squeal as she got herself comfortable and settled in between my legs. I felt her warm breath against me, making me hot and I was ready to squirm, but she placed her hands under me, squeezing my ass cheeks and her mouth met my lips and her tongue slipped along slowly inside me.

My eyes fluttered closed. I love how Jack makes me feel wanted, loved, secure and lets face it, she makes me damn right horny. I could feel my arousal pool between my legs, Jacks mouth and tongue working her magic on me. Feeling her tongue slide inside my entrance, doing the dance she loves with her tongue inside me, making my back arch off the bed, knowing she was edging me closer to me letting go. Moments later, my legs shook, the white lights flashed behind my eye lids as I came undone.

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