Part 52

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Finally, Friday is here and I'm waiting on Chelsea swinging by mine to pick me up to go to Caroline's. We had popped by Caroline's a few times, but since Chelsea had security clearance with her car at the gated community, it was easier to go with her. I paced near the front door until her horn sounded and I grabbed my keys and left but making sure I locked up with the way my head has been lately. "Hey."

"Ready to get this show on the road?"

"I am. Have you any idea what you are going to say if she answers?"

"Not a clue, but we will cross that bridge when it comes to it." Chelsea had let it slip that Caroline had been song writing before the incident and that she was collaborating more with Chelsea for some more music for her band. Ironically, with her band being called Better Tomorrow, it always provoked the thinker in me. I mean my tomorrow is certainly going to be better with marrying Ellie in Chelsea's backyard since hers was twice the size of ours. Before we knew it, the gates were opening up and Chelsea parked her car in the visitor slot. "Well, her car is still here, we can only take that as a good sign." I nodded and followed Chelsea out of the car.

We walked over to Caroline's house and I thought I caught movement from inside but shook my head. It was probably my mind playing tricks on me. Chelsea rang the doorbell a couple of times and we were about to give up when the door opened, and an unfamiliar face opened the door. "Hello, can I help you?"

"Hi. We are looking for Caroline. I'm Chelsea and this is Jack." The woman pushed her glasses up her nose and gave us a smile and stepped out towards us, brining the door ajar so we couldn't see inside.

"I'm Veronica, or Ronnie. I'm Caroline's girlfriend." The relief that was apparent that washed over the pair of us was evident. "Caroline is just packing some clothes up. I must warn you; she's not been in a good place this past week."

"We are just thankful she's alive. Was she hurt?" Veronica nodded her head and looked over her shoulder before she spoke to us again.

"A bullet hit her shoulder, she needed stitches and has been on pain meds, although she is becoming less reliant on them. Just let her talk about it if she wants to, she's in a bit of a flunk at the moment." Ronnie opened the door further and both Chelsea and I still looked relieved that we were in Caroline's home. "Its just a shame we are meeting under such circumstances."

"I know. But..." Caroline coming down the stairs caught our attention, and my heart was aching at how withdrawn she looked. "Hey Caroline..." She gave us a meek smile as she approached, and we were guided into the living room.

"Hey guys. How are you doing?" Chelsea and I shared a knowing glance and whilst I can have a subtle approach, I'm not sure about Chelsea.

"I'm doing good. Getting married tomorrow, I thought I would be more nervous, you know?" Caroline nodded her head and then her eyes went wide.

"I'm so sorry. I forgot about the wedding. I never even asked Ronnie if she wanted to go." Ronnie came into the living room with drinks for everyone.

"Ask me to go where?"

"To Jack and Ellie's wedding. Chelsea is having it in her backyard. It's tomorrow." Ronnie's eyes went wide, and I could see the inward panic within her. "It's a small gathering, nothing like the club..." Caroline's voice trailed off with a realisation what she had mentioned, and I cleared my throat.

"Well, we completely understand if you can't come tomorrow Caroline, we can't begin to imagine what you have been through."

"No. Ronnie made a point to me earlier about hiding away, that it wasn't good for me, that I needed to put myself first, get back out into the fresh air. Apart from being at Benji's briefly on Monday, coming here that night and again today is the only time I've been out. It's been...harrowing." Chelsea reached out and squeezed her hand.

"We are here whenever you are ready to talk about it, Caroline. We won't force you to talk, you know that, just know that you have all our support, no matter what. But if you don't mind, I would really like Benji and Ronnie's number in my phone, you have been M.I.A with not returning calls, texts or emails."

"I know, I ghosted everything. Even Ronnie couldn't get a hold of me when she was on her breaks at work, I just needed the peace and quiet. The flashbacks can be a little daunting." Ronnie's eyebrows quirked like she was hearing new information for the first time coming out of Caroline. "What do you say babe, fancy going to a wedding tomorrow?" Caroline had stood up and slid into Ronnie's sitting form and she wrapped her arm around her waist.

"I've nothing to wear..."

"Come as you like, it's nothing flashy. We wanted a low-key wedding and that's they way we want it. If you have a suit that you like, wear that."

"Presumptuous of you, Jack." Chelsea quipped with a smirk.

"Nope, I just know a woman that loves a suit as much as I do." Ronnie let out a chuckle and a nod and Caroline moved, grimacing slightly, I'm assuming because of her pain.

"Well, I do have a suit, is it not going to be cold out?"

"Nope. We have a tent, heaters etc for the day, so it may be a little cold, but not overly cold." I engaged in a lot more conversation with Ronnie about my wedding day tomorrow and I knew I liked her instantly. "I can't help but think you look familiar, Ronnie."

"I work in the local library if that helps, or I've been to the club a few times and maybe you have seen me?"

"Not likely. I can't stand Reveal, too much heartbreak in it for me, no offense Caroline."

"None taken." We chatted amongst ourselves for about an other hour when Caroline's eyelids started to drop. "I'm sleepy."

"That's your pain meds kicking in babe. Go upstairs and lie down, I will be up shortly."

"Okay. Thanks for coming guys and I promise to switch my phone on. Ronnie can give you the numbers you need." We all stood up and Caroline approached Chelsea first and they hugged gently and then she hugged me, which surprised me. "Good luck for tomorrow, Jack. I can't wait to watch you marry Ellie."

"Thanks Caroline, we shall see you tomorrow." We watched her as she climbed the stairs she had come down just an hour or so ago and she looked a little lighter, but tired. "Ronnie, I didn't mean to blindside you into coming into the wedding tomorrow."

"It's all good Jack. Whilst I have some social issues myself, I'm only glad that Caroline wants to go, it's been hard. Let's get you the phone numbers you need and please do not hesitate to contact me if you can't get a hold of Caroline." We exchanged numbers and said our goodbye's to Ronnie and made our way to Chelsea's car and once inside, Chelsea slumped forward and hugged the steering wheel, and a soft sob escaped her mouth.

"Do you want me to drive?" The silence hung in the air until Chelsea shook her head and sat upright.

"No, I'm good. Jack, we really need to have that intervention with her. It needs to take place."

"You know Caroline better than I do, I guess that's why you never said too much, you were assessing the situation, how she was, weren't you?"

"I was yeah. But for now, let's get you back home for your last evening of freedom. What's your plans?"

"Carson is coming around with Damien, we are getting a takeaway and just chilling."

"Sounds like heaven."

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