Part 6

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We finally made it back to Carson's with minimal small talk. I didn't think it was my place to question Ellie and her relationship with Grant, so we chatted about her job, which I was quite impressed by, an accountant. But then the twang of hurt pinged in my stomach, that was Dani's job as well. Parking the car in Carson's driveway, I hopped out the car and opened the passenger door for Ellie, who gave me a small smile then I grabbed her bag from the back of the car. "You don't have to do that Jack."

"I know, but I want to. Carson's waiting on you. On you go." I made sure that Carson's car was locked up before I stepped into the apartment of squealing women. Normally, I would imagine, that this would be every woman's dream, but it's a nightmare for me. Not that I can't hang out with straight women, that's not the problem, it's the being in the room with a load of women and feeling completely and utter alone. Dani should have been here to help me celebrate with Carson. Hell, I still had her engagement ring back in the apartment. I will definitely need to sell it now.

"Thanks for getting Ellie for me sis, I do appreciate it."

"No worries. I couldn't stand to see you mope around if she weren't here on time." I poked out my tongue and grabbed a cold beer out of the fridge and took a rather large drink. That feels so much better.

"Anyway, let's get back into the living room and talk wedding plans." When we stepped into the living room, I was somewhat glad that it was just the bridal party there, but Carson did advise that she told the other girls that were coming to party to be here for nine thirty to give us time to discuss the wedding.

An hour later and my heart was thudding hard in my chest. "You expect me..." pointing my finger to my chest, "to dance at your wedding, are you having a laugh?"

"No Jack. You have some moves. Plus, we have to do the sister, sister dance since I can't do the father daughter dance with Dad, can I?" Then my heart stilled. Of course, our Dad can't be there and I'm next best thing that Carson has to a relative.

"I will do you a deal then Carson." I could feel all eyes on me and Carson as we were hashing this out. Carson looked at me pointedly and I smirked. "I get to pick the song and the dance we are doing. Let it be an unknown moment for you."

"I don't know Jack..." All the girls were giving it the ooh and ah's and I chuckled, and Carson then looked at me.

"Please. I want to honour not just you, but Dad." Tears started to fill in Carson's eyes and I shook my head. "Don't you dare."

"Okay, okay. Deal." Loud cheers erupted making me chuckle. I started feeling more at ease with the bridal party. "Now, you lot, you have a bachelorette party to also organise and there is only one stipulation I have. I want to go abroad." How very Carson. She isn't the type of girl that would wander around Ayrshire or pop down to Blackpool.

"Then I best get the phone numbers of the bridal party so we can make a WhatsApp group and talk about you behind you back." I gave Carson a cheeky grin and chugged some more of my beer down. The girls then started reeling off their numbers one by one and I quickly made a group and pinged them a message so that they had my mobile number. Then we all looked up as the doorbell went. "Looks like your other guests have arrived."

The music was loud, but not too loud. Women were talking loudly, and I mingled with the group of women, getting buzzed on my beer. The more I drank, the more I relaxed and became myself around the group of women. I even started dancing at one point, making myself chuckle and Brie was quick to join me dancing away in the living room with Tasha and Ellie looking on, chuckling away to themselves.

As it approached midnight, a few of the women had left and it slowly went back down to just the bridal party and I overheard Brie and Tasha talking. "No way. I never knew that about you."

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