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dawn evan's pov:

i was at my manor the night before i leave for hogwarts. i always hated it because of how impatient i am, i just wanted to see my friends.

i have a lot of friends of course but i obviously have this one big main friend group. well kind of.

there's me of course, caspian, faye, flora, ambrose, elysia, pansy, blaise, and i guess i count draco.

me and draco hated each other, even though we grew up together and were very close friends until fourth year.

he just turned into a dick. there's no other way to put it.

but besides that i'll break down my friend group for you, so everyone didn't really have a certain person they were closer with than everyone else. we were all best friends.

there were a total of four couples in the friend group. ambrose and elysia. quite an odd pair actually. she's so soft and cute he's so bold and dark. then there's blaise and faye. me and caspian. and flora and luna.

so that leaves pansy and draco the only people not dating anyone. everyone is waiting for them to get together but draco can't ray loyal for the life of him to even get in a relationship, and pansy had her eyes on this ravenclaw boy.

i'm very close with neville and luna as well but nobody else really speaks to them.

"dawn! the malfoy's are here for dinner!"
my mom shouted from outside my door.

fucking fantastic. my parents and the malfoy's are great friends meaning, we have dinner often. and we always have a meal together the night before leaving to hogwarts.

"not hungry mum!"
i responded. i lied. i just didn't want to see draco.

"nonsense! i expect you down in five."
and she sped away.

god i love her but she drives me crazy. i brushed my hair quickly and put on a shirt considering i was just walking around my room with a bra and jeans.

i walked downstairs and saw the malfoy's talking to mum and dad.

"oh dawn how beautiful you have gotten! lovely to see you!"
narcissa squealed.

she was like a second mum. as much as i hated her son and he hated me, she never acknowledged it and treated me like her own.

"hi mrs.malfoy. you look gorgeous."
i smiled and hugged her. she smiled in response.

lucius walked up to me and shook my hand.

"nice to see you, dawn."
he said clearly.

"you too mr.malfoy."

i avoided eye contact with draco and pretended he wasn't there. unlike him he kept staring.

it was silent until narcissa swatted draco's arm.

"don't be such a prude draco. say hello."

he said shooting me a glance.

i said returning the glance.

a couple of seconds passed where me and draco just kept glaring at each other.

"do you mind making the table dawn?"
my mum asked breaking the very noticeable tension.

"of course mum."
i said kissing her cheek and walking to my kitchen and placing plates.

not much later draco walked in with his hands in his pockets.

"can i help you malfoy?"
i asked.

"mum asked me to help."

"i've got it thanks."
i spoke and went back to placing plates.

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