"So w-will you marry me?"

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I think Draco's cheating on me.

We've been together for over a year and he's fucking cheating on me.

How the hell would you even cheat on me? We are in the middle of absolutely nowhere.

Draco has been sending letters but when I ask to who he just brushes me off, he comes home late at night, and sometimes he will come home with little gifts that aren't for me.

We would've just graduated Hogwarts, we turned 18 a few months ago.

I've been mailing with everyone, they were pisses. But they understood.

I was going to wait u til Draco came home late at night to confront him but he strolled into the living room at 1pm.

"Hi, love."
He smiled and walked over to kiss me.

I dodged his kiss and he held a hurt expression.

"I know you're cheating on me."
Is all I said and his face dropped.

He looked dumbfounded now.

"Come on, Draco. You mail random people with no explanation, you come home late at night, for christ's sake you even come home with little gifts that you never give me! So who are they for, Draco?"
I crossed my arms and sat up.

"For christ's sake."
He mumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose.

He grabbed my wrist and dragged me outside of the cabin.

"I don't want to go out right now, i'm trying to have a serious conversation-
He brought me across the road, and down the hill to a large forest.

There was multiple decorations and multiple people.

I squinted closer and realized it was my friends and family.

I smiled widely and basically sprinted over to them.

The first person I hugged was my Mum and Dad obviously.

My Mom started crying and my Dad was definitely crying, just hiding it better.

I pulled away to see my Mom cut her hair.

"Mum you- you cut your hair!"
I smiled.

The same hair that used to fall over her shoulders and reach her chest was now cut just above her shoulders.

Arion ran up and hugged me, I've never hugged someone faster in my life.

I loved my family with my whole heart.

I pulled away and hugged everyone else.

Blaise was the most emotional. He was basically sobbing in my arms. And Faye, Faye wasn't the preppiest either. But she eased into it and eventually admitted she missed me.

As I was about to turn around and face Draco again, A woman's voice rang from behind everyone.

"Don't forget my hug."
I knew that voice, I knew that fucking voice.

I pushed Blaise and Ambrose to the side; they were blocking the woman's voice.

I was met with her beautiful black hair with little parts of blonde in it.

She looked more beautiful then ever.

"Narcissa! Oh my god-
I scoffed and hugged her tightly.

"But I- I thought-
I was shocked.

She laughed and looked behind me.

"It's a long story. In the mean time just turn around."
She smiled and patted my shoulder.

I held a confused expression but when I turned around I was met with Draco, on the ground.

Specifically, one knee.

This makes sense now.

"Dawn, I know that we're only 18, but I am so fucking-

A cough came behind us, from my dad. I slightly laughed. He never liked swearing.

"Sorry sir, i- im so in love with you. And I know i'm ready to spend the rest of my life with you."
He paused before continuing.

"I want us to have a future together. And I want us to grow up and hopefully live the life you so badly deserve."
I let out a sob, but not loudly.

Of course I was fucking crying, but I wasn't upset.

I heard the parents crying behind me too.

"I want to be the one to provide you with that life, Dawn."
He smiled and took a ragged breath.

"So w-will you marry me?"

He opened up a box to reveal a ring with a silver band, and black jewel on it.

I tried to stop crying before I answered.

I felt stupid for crying while being purposed to, but now I know why everyone cried in the movies.

"Well say something, i'm scared as shit down here."
He awkwardly mentioned.

I looked at him, knowing that I could finally speak without sobbing.

"Yes, i'll marry you. Of course i'll fucking marry you."
I laughed.

A smile rose to his face. He was crying now too.

He got up off his knee and kissed me.

Everyone behind us clapped.

He pulled away and looked at me with the most precious smile i've ever seen him make.

Did I really make him this happy?

He picked up my hand and slid the ring on my ring finger.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and whispered how much he loved me in my ear.

I pulled away and everyone pulled Draco and I into a group hug.

Everyone congratulated us.

This is fucking crazy dude.

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