"You own my heart, you know that?"

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I cannot believe Draco actually fucking purposed.

This is all so bizzare to me.

I hated the idea of a wedding, I was always independent.

As much as I had sex and always seemed in a relationship, I never needed them.

Until Draco.

I crave him.

He's like an all you can eat of your favorite food when you haven't eaten in months.

Emotionally and sexually.

"What are you thinking about?"
Draco asked as he walked up behind me, wrapping his hands around my waist.

I was sitting in front of the counter, distracted from cutting up an apple.

I laughed.

"Is that so?"
He laughed and spun me around.

I hummed as I stared at him.

He was staring at me with a wide smirk, I just had a smile on.

I was so happy.

He leaned in and placed a small kiss on my cheek.

"I cant wait to marry you."
He smiled and stepped back.

"Not so fast."
I grinned and grabbed his collar.

He always wore collared shirts during the day even though it's just us.

I pulled him in and kissed his lips this time.

I physically and mentally could not be happier.

I say that a lot but I fucking mean it.

He didn't pull away after one kiss, instead he made the kiss deeper and pulled my thigh up to meet his waist.

I smacked his hand and let go of his collar.

He pulled away with a confused face on.

"We had sex this morning, Draco. Plus this apple will go brown."
I laughed as he wrapped his arms around me one more time.

"Since when did you not want an orgasm?"
He asked moving his hands up to my chest.

I moved them back down, perv.

"Do you want this apple or not?"
I stated holding the knife, turning around.

He backed away with a smirk.

It's not that I didn't want to have sex, I wanted to. Just looking at him and imagining him inside me made me turned on.

But I knew our friends and family were gonna be here to plan the wedding in less then thirty minutes, Draco just wasn't aware of that.

We haven't seen our family since the proposal and that's been 1-2 months.

I knew he missed his mom and friends so I wanted to knock 2 birds with one stone.

Get the wedding planned, and get Draco's and I's family and friendly fix in.

They would be renting a hotel, so Draco and I would save that for later.

I would love to have them stay over but our house is so small.

We have two rooms and one of them is for Dobby.

Speaking of Dobby, he seems so much happier. I never really saw him but when I did, he was absolutely miserable.

I'm blaming Lucius.

He deserved to get away.

I finished cutting the apple, putting the slices into a bowl.

I walked into the living room, placing the bowl in front of Draco.

As I was taking my hand away, he grabbed it, pulling me on top of him.

I was on his lap, his hands were rested on my hips.

"You own my heart, you know that?"
He looked up at me.

"All this sweet talk isn't gonna get you laid."
I laughed.

He laughed as he slowly kissing down my neck.

As soon as his lips hit my skin, every thought in my mind vanished.

His hands moved up my waist, my skirt sliding with it.

I let out a gasp as he slid his hand in my underwear strap.

He moved his lips from my neck to my lips.

He kissed me slowly but full of passion, I slowly rocked my hips, not thinking. 

He groaned then soon later smirked.

"Hey guys- Oh my god!"
I heard a male voice enter the cabin.

I quickly pushed myself off of Draco, sitting up.

I looked up to meet my friends with there eyes covered, Axel in the front.

I looked down at Draco, glaring at him.

He sat up with me.

"This is why you didn't want to have s-
I elbowed Draco's ribs as I saw our family enter the cabin.

I kind of stood there awkwardly.

Faye and Elysia pushed passed the guys and hugged Draco and I.

They whispered 'horny mother fuckers' as they pulled away.

Draco mouthed 'you know it' as we hugged everyone else.

I'm so happy my family didn't walk in on that.
I was sitting in the living room with everyone surrounding me, Draco and I on the loveseat.

"So, to get things rolling, do you guys want a light or dark themed wedding?"
My mum asked, holding a piece of paper beside Narcissa.

Draco and I both said 'dark' at the same time.

My mom nodded and wrote it down.


I looked at Draco because this I wasn't sure of.

He shrugged and let me speak for this one.

"Uhm, I have no idea, to be honest."
I shrugged.

"Hogwarts? That's when we first had s-
I elbowed Draco once again before he brought up our sex life in front of family.

"Okay yeah, Hogwarts. In the forest!"
I brought up.

Everyone went silent and held there heads down.

"What? What is it?"
I urged.

"Voldemort attacked Hogwarts, and the death eaters."
Faye said quietly.

I felt bad for it being brought up.

Draco went still and gulped.

"Oh. Well, let's just have it here? Right? The area Draco purposed to me at."

Everyone nodded while my mom wrote it down.

They continued asking questions but Draco went silent. I felt horrible.

I reached for Draco's hand, he was quick to squeeze my hand.

I rubbed my thumb up and down trying to soothe his emotions.

He probably felt horrible knowing his own father was apart of that.

Knowing he could've been apart of that.

But he did the right thing, he's with me now. He's safe. He's my fiancé for crying out loud.

A/N: I apologize for this chapter taking so long to come out, I had HUGE writers block. But I was also writing the Hermione story. WHICH IM SO EXCITED FOR?? But I love you guys and I hope you guys didn't think that was the last chapter</3

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