"Down here, its Draco."

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I was getting so much better.

My room was clean, I let anybody in, I responded to every letter, I have hung out with my friends, and I went out with my family.

We went back to school in less than a week and I was excited. I was actually fucking excited.

I think a part of me hopes Draco will show up and pretend like nothing happened, but Narcissa and Lucius made it very clear he wouldn't.

A girl can dream.

"Dawn! Come on down! We want to go out for dinner before you and Arion leave for Hogwarts!"
My mum shouted from down the stairs.

She does this everytime we have a week left of Summer. Especially this year. It was my last year of Hogwarts. It's kind of sad really.

I shouted.

I looked in the mirror and brushed out my bangs and ends to have more volume.

I walked out of my room and downstairs. My Mum, Dad, Arion, and Ember were all waiting for me by the door.

Arion groaned sarcastically.

I smirked and wrapped my arm around his neck playfully, not squeezing.

I took my other hand and put it into a knuckle, rubbing his hair. It was getting frizzy.

Mum, Dad, and Ember just laughed at him.

He pulled back and groaned as he felt his hair.

"Your hair looks great, Arion."
I smirked.

He mouthed "fuck off." and pretended to fix his eyebrows with his middle finger.

I rolled my eyes and walked in front of him, considering we were walking out to the train stop.

Arion was behind me so I put up my middle finger behind my back.

I felt him smack my finger down. I just laughed slightly.

Im still in this fucking basement and it's been 3 weeks since I planned on escaping. I needed to fucking escape soon or i'd lose my shit.

So I picked my very weak and sore body up off the floor and attempted to walk up the stairs, but failed.

I ended up falling onto my knees and crawling up the stairs.

I was so weak because I wasn't eating the dog food they throw down the stairs.

As soon as I made it to the top I saw Dobby walking by. I called Dobbys name in a harsher tone.

He kind of shook and looked around, excepting it to be Lucius.

I sighed.

"Down here, it's Draco."
I whispered.

He immediately looked at the basement door and walked over.

"Oh, Mr.Malfoy. Why are you in the basement?"
He seemed shocked.

"I don't have a choice- i'll explain everything if you help me. Please."
I plead.

"Oh- of course Mr. Malfoy. What shall Dobby help you with?"
He smiled.

"I need food first. So I can walk. They've been feeding me actual dog food."
I said pointing to the pile of spoiled food at the bottom of the stairs.

Dobby cringed at the sight and smell.

"Oh course, what do you want, Mr. Malfoy?"
He asked walking closer.

He always called me Mr. Malfoy. Even if it's not needed in a sentence. And he always referred to himself as Dobby and not 'me', 'I', or 'myself'.

"It doesn't matter, nothing big. I need to get out of here as soon as possible."
I nodded.

He nodded in agreement.
"Dobby will be right back, Mr. Malfoy."
He smiled and ran down the hall.

I sighed and waited at the top of the stairs. I was finally going to get out.

Less than 10 minutes Dobby was running back down the hallway with two chocolate frogs and pumpkin juice in his arms.

I slightly laughed that out of all the snacks he could've gotten, he got sweets.

"Is this okay, Mr. Malfoy? Dobby can go back and get something different-

"No, this is great. Thank you, Dobby."
I smiled up at him and unwrapped the chocolate frogs, shoving them in my mouth.

"Oh merlin, are you that hungry?"
He chuckled.

I know he meant no harm and didn't understand why I was so hungry. So I just nodded and laughed with him.

Once I was done I chugged my pumpkin juice and was able to stand up.

"Okay, what's an exit of the manor that there aren't people near?"
I asked.

"Well- none of them Mr. Malfoy."
Dobby said fidgeting with the end of his dress- shirt thing. It was as filthy as my clothes.

I groaned and sat back down.

"Though there are windows!"
Dobby added.

A grin rose to my face.

"But we have to wait until those aren't guarded either, Mr. Malfoy. They usually have restroom breaks at 9pm. But we'd have to be very quick, Mr. Malfoy."
He added again.

I still smiled and nodded.

"That works, thank you. We are getting out of this shithole. Tonight."
I grinned, I almost didn't believe it.

"Uhm, We, Mr. Malfoy?"
Dobby asked.

"Yes we. You are getting out of this shithole too. You don't deserve the way Lucius treats you."
I tried convincing.

Dobby smiled and nodded.

"And call me Draco."
I added.

"Yes Mr. Draco."
He said and started walking off.

"No! Just Draco."
But before I could speak he was gone.

I didn't know what time it was, but considering it was dark outside, i'm guessing i'm leaving soon.

I'll get Dobby to grab a change of clothes before we go too.
I had almost fell asleep waiting for Dobby to come back, but as soon as I was dozing off I heard a high pitch voice calling my name. Dobby.

"Mr. Draco, we must hurry. They just went to the restroom."
He urged, holding a change of clothes for both of us.

I smirked and walked out of the basement. The manor was quiet and empty.

I followed Dobby to a window, it was just large enough for me to fit.

"Go on, Mr. Draco."
He urged again.

I smiled and put one foot out, then the other.

I was fucking out. I WAS FUCKING OUT.

I swear fresh air has never felt more amazing.

Dobby looked behind him, and hurried out the window.

"Run, Mr. Draco, run!"
He yelled.

I raised an eyebrow but as I looked into the window I saw a tall man in all black running towards it.

My throat tightened and I followed Dobby.

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