"dont try to fucking get away from me."

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dawn evans pov:
i made it back to my dorm, i couldn't think straight. why was draco- why was he doing that- to the thought of me?

he's been acting so strange lately. i wanted to ask him about it but how the fuck am i supposed to bring it up?

hey draco, just wanted to know why you were jerking off to me?
like what the fuck?

i looked at my clock and noticed i had my first class in ten minutes. it's my first day back and i'm almost already late.

i grabbed my wand and headed to class.
i arrived two minutes before i was considered late, luckily.

but unluckily for me everyone was already in here and in a seat. i looked around and couldn't find an empty seat.

"miss evans, please take a seat wherever your please."
flitwick spoke as he walked past me.

i was searching until i saw an empty seat way in the back, i went to look who i would have to sit with until i made eye contact with draco.

i couldn't tell what emotion he had if he was mad i was seated with him. he usually would be so i'm guessing he's pissed.

i broke eye contact and slowly walked over. i sat myself beside him and didn't look at him. i could feel his eyes on me.

"okay please practice wingardium leviosa with the person you chose to sit next to."

"i didn't choose."
draco huffed under his breath.

okay great, back to being a dick.

"i'm going to shove that feather down your throat if you make any pissy comments just because your in a pissy mood. just let me practice it by myself."
i spat, i just wanted no trouble today.

he squinted his eyes.
"we have to do it together evans."
he questioned.

"do you seriously want to work with me."
i asked finally facing him.

he hesitated and stuttered. finally gulping and choking out a no. i rolled my eyes and turned back to my feather.

i kept practicing and failing miserably. he has been teaching this since first year what the fuck why cant i do it?

i looked over to see draco doing it with no trouble. i huffed and crossed my arms, earning a chuckle from draco.

"okay class dismissed."

i groaned and threw my head back, finally.
i started packing my stuff.

"ah, miss evans and mr. malfoy please stay behind."

i groaned and walked up to his desk, draco following.

"yes mr. flitwick?"
i asked eager to go.

"i saw you were struggling with this very easy and learnable spell we have been practicing since first year. while mr. malfoy was having no trouble."

i rolled my eyes and nodded, draco tried to choke back a smirk and laugh.

"i'd like you and mr.malfoy to skip second period and work on the spell in the library, i'll write a note."

i groaned and tried to be respectful.

"yes sir."
draco said with a smirk. why the fuck was he smirking.

he handed me the note and i quickly walked out, leaving draco behind.
he shouted. i ignored him.

he shouted louder.

he almost screamed. i turned around quickly.

"what do you want?"
i groaned.

"are you mental? did you not just hear professor flitwick? we have to go to the library."
he stated.

"i can learn it by tomorrow myself. save us both the irritation."

he rolled his eyes and grabbed my wrist dragging me into the library. specifically in the back where nobody is.

"draco what the fuck?"
i whisper-shouted.

he said sternly.


"don't try to fucking get away from me."
he spat.

"your acting as if you want to do this!"

"what if i do?"
he raised his voice.

i stared at him for a second, switching from eye to eye. him doing the same.

"what the fuck is going on with you lately?"
i asked, wanted the answer i've been asking myself.

"what's that supposed to mean?"
he spat.

"your acting so fucking weird draco! what the fuck do you mean what's that supposed to mean? beating up caspian, thinking of me in the shower, and now this shit."

his eyes widened and he was about to speak but got interrupted.

"oh! i'm sorry, i'll let you to be."
i deep voice said that was entering the section of the library me and draco were in.

"no your fine. i was just leaving."
i said turning to draco and giving him a glare.

i walked out quickly, fuck draco. i can easily learn this by myself.

on my way back to the common room i saw ambrose, faye, flora, and elysia in the common room sitting down.

"dawn! wanna join?"
ambrose asked waving a joint.

i was about to agree but remembered this stupid fucking spell.

"i-i can't. i have to learn this stupid spell."
i walked away leaving them to return to their conversation.
ive been trying to learn this fucking spell in my dorm all period, the furthest i got was the wind blowing the feather off my bed.

i gave up and snapped the feather in half throwing it somewhere in my room.

i heard a knock on my door. i huffed and stepped off my bed making my way to my door.

i opened it and draco was there. before i could ask what he wants, he pulled my wrist, again may i add, to the library once again. but this time it was empty.

"draco stop fucking doing that."
i spat as he finally let go.

he said sternly pulling out a chair.

i looked at him as if he was mental. he rolled his eyes and pushed me down in the chair by my shoulders, sitting next to me.

i tried to get up but he pinned my thigh down to the seat with his hand.

"don't try to move again or i will pin you on my lap and make you learn this fucking spell."
he spat.

my eyes widened.

"you would like that huh?"
i spat squinting my eyes.

"shut the fuck up."
he spat back equally as harsh.

i was breathing heavy and didn't want to be here. if i do it fast enough he won't be able to get me.

"fuck this."
i got up to leave, but once again draco grabbed me, by my waist this time, and forcing me to sit on his lap.

i tried to wiggle out of his grasp causing me to move on his lap. he tightened his grip only causing me to squirm harder.

"evans stop-
he groaned.

my eyes widened as i felt something poking me. what the fuck is happening.

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