"If you wont forgive me thats fine, can we atleast be friends?"

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I was sitting in my usual spot at the dinner table. My head was resting on my hand while I was moving the food on my plate around.

I wasn't hungry, but I feel bad for mom she spent awhile on it. I stabbed a piece of sauce covered pasta and ate it. Now I was hungry for more and soon enough finished the plate.

I looked around and everyone was only half done, Draco not even touching his food. He was zoned out.

"Mum, i'm done. Can I be excused?"
I asked.

"Yes you may."
She smiled and went back to talking to Lucius.

"Oh Dawn, before you go. What color dress are you wearing to the ball tomorrow?"
Narcissa asked kindly.

I froze, I forgot about the fucking ball. God dammit.

"Oh uhm, black."
I smiled back.

She nodded and went back into conversation with the family. I ran up the stairs in a complete rush.

I needed to find a black formal dress by tomorrow
afternoon, fucking fantastic.

I accidentally slammed my door, yelling out a 'sorry' to everyone downstairs.

I walked up to my closet digging for a dress but of course almost every piece of clothing I have being black it was hard to tell dresses from shirts.

I heard a laugh coming from the door way. I rolled my eyes already knowing who it is from the deep laugh.

"Draco, I already told you to leave me alone. It's not happening."
I groaned and continued shuffling through my closet.

"I'm not here for that."
He said walking in and sitting on the bed.

I turned to him with a face of confusion.

"If you won't forgive me that's fine, can we at least be friends?"

I rolled my eyes and sighed out a 'sure'. If he will finally leave me alone and stop nagging me about it.

"So what're you doing?"
He asked leaning back on his elbows.

"Looking for a dress."
I huffed.

"You don't have it picked out? How irresponsible."
He laughed.

"I won't hesitate to kick you in the balls."
I glared finally picking out a dress and holding it up to my body.

"What do you think? Formal?"

He didn't say anything just nodded.

"Perfect, i'm gonna go try it on."
I said walking into the bathroom.

I shut the door and started taking off my clothes.

Once I was stripped down to my bra and underwear, I put on the dress.

I tried to button it up in the back, but my arm wasn't long enough.

"Hey, Draco."

He asked from outside the door.

"Come help me button these."

"You're dressed that quick?"
He asked opening the door.

"Well it's just a dress, you can easily slip it on."
I spoke while he stood behind me.

I was staring at myself in the mirror while draco started working on the first button. My eyesight swapped from my body in the dress to Draco.

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