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I was sitting with Blaise, Ambrose, and Draco. Axel, Flora, And Faye all sat at the Ravenclaw table, while Elysia sat at the Hufflepuff table.

Caspian and pansy say two seats down from the group. I still haven't spoken to them and I don't plan on it any time soon.

I looked around the room, looking out for any familiar faces when I landed on a familiar set of brown eyes at the Gryffindor table.

I waved as I saw Neville bonding with the golden trio. His ears perked up and a smile grew on his face as he waved back.

I looked away as he continued back into the conversation with the three Gryffindors. I scanned the table when I saw Arion talking to Anne.

He seemed so happy I couldn't help but smile on how well he was fitting in at the school. I quickly looked away and dove into conversation at my table before he saw me staring.

"How long has it been since we've had a party?"
Blaise asked with a dumbfounded look on his face.

"Well since Slytherin threw one, or since we went to one."
I responded taking a bite of food on my plate.

"No no since Slytherin threw one."

"I think since the first day right?"
Ambrose questioned from next to him.

"You're joking."
Draco scoffed from next to me.

"It's been forever, a month and a half at most."
I stated.

"We need to throw one, obviously!"
Ambrose stated with an excited tone in his voice.

"Since when were you such a party animal, Huxley?"
I half laughed as I took a grape off Dracos plate.

He looked at my dumbfounded, I send an innocent smile back. He rolled his eyes and looked back at the two in front of us.

Blaise was looking at us as if we were absolutely mental, meanwhile Ambrose acted as if everyone was mighty fine.

"What the hell just happened?"
Blaise asked swapping gazes between me and Draco.

I hummed in response as Draco rose a brow. He looked over at Ambrose.

"Mate, did you not just see that?"

Ambrose asked averting his attention to the scene in front of him.

"Dawn just stole Draco's food and he did nothing about it, he would've made a huge scene."
Blaise explained motioning his finger to each thing.

"Well I mean yeah, they get along now that-
Draco kicked his ankle under the table to stop him from finishing that sentence as I glared at him.

His eyes widened as he realized what he almost just confessed.

"I mean- yeah that was weird."
He spoke trying to change the subject.

The subject finally changed and Blaise, Ambrose, and Draco all got into conversation as I looked anywhere else.

I was met with a familiar set of brown eyes, being a loner at the end of the table.

Axel smirked as we made eye contact and swapped from me to Draco then back to me. I glared at him and mouthed 'drop it' he only raised one brow and winked extremely obnoxiously.

I scoffed and focused back onto the table Blaise, Ambrose, and Draco were having. I couldn't help but think about what Axel was insinuating.

With the questioning a few days ago to the conversations we've had, it always ended up with Draco. And now he pointed it out again, was he maybe right?

I turned to Draco, seeing his side profile. I couldn't help but stare and take in every detail. Taking in how perfect it was from the way his hair looked to his sharp jawline.

I completely forgot there were other people surrounding us as I looked at him in adoration. I don't know how to explain it, in that moment I didn't look at Draco as a hookup, or an enemy, I looked at him as someone I adored. Someone I fancied.

In that moment, I realized I had feelings for Draco. I was confused on what I was feeling it and why I was realizing it in this moment.

I couldn't help but realize it. I looked away from his side profile and back down to my thighs clenched.

I was uncomfortable with the conclusion I had just come to. I didn't want to fancy Draco Malfoy.

If you would've asked me in the beginning in the year how I felt towards Draco Malfoy I would've said I wanted him dead.

I looked up at Draco one more time to see him in a conversation with Blaise, I looked back at Axel to see him staring at me with a confused expression.

He could tell someone was up, I could tel by the way he looked at me.

I felt like eyes were on me, but not just one pair, every person. I felt anxious. I don't know why, I felt like everyone had just found out a huge secret of mine I've been keeping.

But I'm reality I just found out a big secret I had been keeping from myself the whole time. And it was that I in fact fancied Draco Malfoy.

I whispered to myself before getting up and leaving the great hall, distressed.

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