"You slick fuck."

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Me and Draco left his dorm about 15 minutes ago. We had different first periods so I was stuck with nobody in charms.

That was until the mystery boy that was with Blaise the other day came in late.

"Axel, you're late."
The professor stated the obvious.

"Oh i'm sorry, i'm still new to this school and everything, I got lost."
He did such an obvious fake suck up voice.

"Understood. Take a seat next to Miss Evans."

Once the professor turned around a smirk appeared on his face and he made his way over to me.

He slouched in his seat, and he smelt like he smoked ten packs of cigarettes.

"Now Axel, how many packs of cigarettes did you smoke on your "struggle" to find this class."

"None at all Miss Evans."
He put on the fake voice again.

I scoffed and focused back on the class.

"You smoke?"
He whispered.

"Who doesn't."
I shrugged.

He stood up abruptly and clutched his stomach.
"I'm going to puke-

He faked gagged and got the teachers attention.

"Oh my merlin! Miss Evans, please take him to the hospital wing."
She said quickly.

"Yes ma'am."
I said getting up and pretending to direct Axel out of class.

As soon as the classroom door shut he stood up straight and unclenched his stomach. He reached in his pocket for a lighter and pack of cigarettes.

"You slick fuck."
I scoffed.

He half laughed-half scoffed and handed me a cigarette. I took it no doubt and held it up for him to light.

He lit the lighter and held the flame up to the side packed with tobacco. I pulled away and inhaled.

"So what's up with you, Evans?"
He asked raising a brow.

"Well what do you want to know?"

"Uhh, for starters what's up with you and malfoy?"

I shot my eyes up at him, does he know? How the fuck did he find out?


"Oh come on, I saw him throwing daggers at me yesterday when you asked about me."

"Don't know must've been having a bad day. Uhm, I have to go though."
I quickly rushed off, not wanting to talk about it anymore. And to find Ambrose, he had to of fucking told Axel. He's the only person that knew?

I was making my way to the Slytherin common room to fuck up Ambrose but when I walked in I saw Daphne and Draco on the couch.

Before I could fully walk I stopped myself because obviously, who wouldn't eavesdrop?

"I miss you Draco.."
Her voice trailed off as she played with his hair.

"Daphne i'm not-

"Come on Draco, ditch Evans. Come back to me."
I saw her put her hands on his chest and drag down.

I felt this endless pit in my stomach filled with jealousy. Why the fuck would draco make a deal and then break it not even a few hours after?

He wasn't stopping her he was just shocked. I watched as she climbed onto his lap and rocked back and forth. He bit his lip and tried not to look at Daphne.

I couldn't watch any longer, I turned around and exited the Slytherin common room. Fuck Draco, fuck him and his stupid fucking deal.

I couldn't even fucking go to my own dorm, and I had almost all of this period off and next class, my free period.

I sat outside the Slytherin common room, on the ground leaned against the wall. I felt like shit.

I don't understand why everyone I even slightly showed interest in found interest in someone else. They always fuck everything up.

I had been sitting here for about 9 minutes now before the door slung open, almost hitting me.

Out walked Daphne Greengrass, she didn't see
me considering I was behind the door, but from what I see she was out of breath and her makeup was smudged.

Of fucking course, I don't know what they did. And I don't care. He can fuck whoever he wants. The first chance I get i'm fucking any hot guy or girl I see.

I tried to act like I didn't care, I really fucking did. But I just ended up with glossy eyes with my head hung low.

Nothings fucking fair.

AN: Sorry it's so short besties.. but i needed to upload something. BUT HERE BESTIES ILY<3 have an insight on axel:)

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