"I really do love you, Evans."

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I asked Draco to leave me alone for a few minutes, I was considering to take a walk myself.

But I couldn't push myself to even move my head out of my hands.

Draco didn't help at all, but he listened. He was being nice, and respectful.

When I raised my voice, he understood and remained calm. When I asked for space, he gave it to me.

It didn't make the fact he got a love bite from someone else any better, but it helped
me feel better, knowing i'm not being dramatic.

When Draco knows he fucks up, he won't try to fight about it. Well at least not anymore.

I kind of miss our relationship when we were at Hogwarts. Well- before the whole death eater, disappearing for months thing.

When we felt so strongly for each other, the thrill of sneaking around, and the passion. Now I feel like a complete fool for thinking Draco wouldn't grow tired or bored.

For fucks sake we're living in a cabin, where's there's only a store, forest, and field near by. He probably feels trapped.

Did I trap him?

I love living here with Draco. We're still young, we still have so much time, and I wanted to spend it with Draco.

Now i'm not so sure Draco wants to spend it with me. And that hurt quite a lot.

I heard a door creak open slowly.

I looked up to see Dobby , standing in his doorway.

"Oh- Hello Dobby."
I smiled and wiped my eyes.

He gave a sincere smile and nod, then sat down next to me.

"Do you want to be alone?"
He asked in a really soft spoken voice.

His voice was sometimes a bit loud and high, but right now it was quite calming.

I did want to be alone, but I felt bad for saying it.

I wanted a distraction as well, but I couldn't get it off my mind.

"I don't know, I don't like crying in front of people. But you're comforting."
I smiled.

He nodded his head in agreement.

He walked out of the doorway and walked over to the front door, grabbing his small coat.

"Wait, where are you going?"

"I like the cold weather. I'm going to go see if that berry bush in the forest is growing anymore."

I took a deep breath and nodded.

I felt like I kicked Dobby out but it was relaxing being alone.

I laid my head back in my hands, and the eyes I had just dried became soaked.

I needed a good cry, I guess.

I hadn't cried since we've moved here. And it's quite stressful living with nobody to look after you like a parent or guardian would. 

Draco helps a lot around the house and I love living with him though.

When he doesn't fuck other women.

When the very negative thoughts basically flooded my mind, the door slammed open.

I jumped up and turned to see Draco, out of breath, with a huge smile on his face.

"I didn't fuck anyone."
He smiled.

He put his hands on his knees and caught his breath before closing the door and walking over to me.

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