"I didn't fuck anyone."

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"Yeah, that party was fucking crazy wasn't it?"
The cashier asked, still just as excited when he saw me.

"I was at a party yesterday?"
I leaned into the counter.

I was trying to seem calm, but if he didn't start speaking in 3 seconds I would lose it and demand he tell me every fucking thing.

"Yeah- do you not remember?"
He scoffed.

"I'm still- uhm a little hung over. Can you tell me what happened yesterday?"
I looked him up and down so desperately.

"Oh uhm sure, I don't know full details but you came to the store I think for eggs? But it was Sunday so we were closed and I asked if you wanted to go to this party at my friends."
He squinted trying to remember.

As soon as he refreshed my memory is was like a fucking flood into my head.

"Oh hey dude, we're closed."
The regular employee said as I approached the door.

Fuck, it's Sunday.

I walked over to his car and leaned down into his window.

"I really need eggs, I want to make breakfast. Do you think I could like just run in and grab some, i'll pay extra."
I begged.

I wanted to wake Dawn up with a breakfast.

"I'm sorry man."
He shrugged and leaned back, about to pull out of the parking lot.

I sighed and started walking away.

"Oh wait! Hey! Blondie! Come back."
He leaned out of his window, trying to get my attention.

I rolled my eyes at the fact he just called me blondie, but trying to be nice I walked back over to his car.

I sighed.

"You come to this store a lot, what's your name? Damien? Dylan-

"It's Draco."
I pushed my tongue into my cheek.

He smiled, giving my his hand to shake.

I hesitantly shook his hand, trying not to touch it much.

"Listen uhm- there's this party, my friends throwing. It's only a few minutes away and i'm supposed to bring a plus one."

I knew what he was insinuating, he wanted a young guy to show up at a party with him so he doesn't look like a loser.

For fucks sake he could be my father.

"I really should get back. My fi-

"Please? We won't even stay for an hour!"
He begged more.

Why the hell was this dude who just learned my name begging me to go to a fucking party.

"I'll just come back tomorrow for the eggs-
I started walking off.

"We will be back in under an hour and i'll give you the eggs for free!"

He was so bloody desperate.

I stopped to think, Dawns gonna sleep for another hour or two.

And we would be back in under an hour.

I sighed.

I turned, and gave in.

I opened his car door and sat down in the passenger side, pushing the empty beer cans to the side with my feet.

"I want two cartons."
I mumbled, looking out the window as he started driving.

I remember getting in his car to go to a party. I must've gotten drunk there. But when did I have the time to get a fucking hickey. And 6 bloody hours?

"Can you- well- do you know if I like, slept with anyone?"
It was a straight forward question. But this dude was the only one that would know.

"Oh no, you don't remember your total melt down
on the drive back?"
He laughed, remembering whatever the fuck I did.

"I'm still fuzzy- just- tell me what I did. Please."
I was begging him now. Fucking christ.

He got done laughing and finally gave in.

"Well we obviously arrived at the party, had a few drinks. But I think it was a few drinks too many for you-

Yeah, you fucking think?

-and you would not stop talking about this girl, some D name, like yours. So my friend Brejette worked her magic and got that girl out of your mind, huh?"
He smiled and tried to high five me.

"Draco, meet my friend."
Brad smiled and showed me to a dark haired girl.

Oh my merlin, Dawn was at the party.

Her hair was longer then usual and she was paler than usual but I was happy to see her.

I took her hand and dragged her to a couch in the back.

I was a little out of it and my vision was blurry. That explains why she looks a little weird.

"Oh I see."
She said, as soon as I sat down.

She crawled on top of me and started kissing my neck.

"Oh D-
I got interrupted when she bit down and sucked on my neck.

"Hol- holy fuck, Dawn."
I moaned.

She pulled back and looked me in my eyes.

"My names Brejette."

I looked at her close up and she looked nothing like fucking Dawn. Her hair was long and blonde. She was so much more pale then Dawn.

I felt my stomach drop as I pushed the random girl off me.

"Wait- I didn't actually fuck her."
I said quietly.

The cashier asked, bagging my shit.

"I didn't fuck her!"
I smiled and ran my fingers through my hair in relief.

"Well yeah, that's what your break down in my car was about. You were crying about that girl again."
He laughed and handed me the bag.

"Anyways i'll see you next time?"
He waved me bye.

I ran out the door, probably shaking up the soda and making it flat.

But I could not care fucking less, I know Dawn was still going to be pissed I went to a party without telling her and that I let another girl on me.

But in all fairness I only went because I wanted to surprise Dawn, and I thought it was Dawn.

That's still no excuse, but I hope she forgives me.

I was fucking sprinting back home, I felt all weight being lifted off my shoulders.

Fucks sake, it felt amazing.

I saw the small dark brown wooden cabin from afar.

When I tell you i've never get more fucking amazing. If I would have slept with somebody I would have lost my shit.

I slowed down as I made it in front of the cabin.  I put my hands on my knees, trying to catch my breath.

I was panting but I needed to tell Dawn.

I opened the door and stepped in, breathing heavily.

"I didn't fuck anyone."
I smiled.

AN: I'm not sure if I like how I wrote this down but sorry for the lame ass reason for Draco's hickey. I'll make it up to you guys with a lot of smut;)

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