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I woke up, very fuzzy.

I almost felt hungover.

I tried to remember everything I did yesterday, but nothing came to mind. I just brushed it off, probably need to a wake up a little bit first.

I got out of bed and walked to the door, I heard Dawn and Dobby laughing in the kitchen.

I opened the door with a slight smile on my face.

"Hello darling."
I said while stretching.

I walked over to Dawn and wrapped my arms around her waist, I went to kiss her neck but Dobby just got up and went to his room.

Dawn pushed my arms down and moved forward so she was fully out of my grasp.

Pardon? Did I do something?

She looked- sad. Angry.

She had mascara streaks down her face, had she been crying?

I am very much so just- utterly confused.

"Everything okay?"
I asked as I went for her waist again.

"Can- can you please stop trying to touch me?"
She whispered.

She sounded like she wanted to scream or cry. Her voice revealed her emotions a lot.

When she was upset her voice would crack and get raspy, when she was angry she would be oddly calm then get to the part where she absolutely rocks your fucking world.

I've heard that emotion break through her voice a lot.

But it was a mixture of both this morning.

She looked down to an area of my neck and- flinched?

She was kind of freaking me out.

"What is up with you?"
I asked, trying to keep my voice the same level with hers.

"You came home black out drunk after being gone for six hours yesterday, Draco. You left with no explanation."
She sighed, leaning against the counter.

What the actual fuck?

Did I?

She has to be fucking with me.

But she wasn't. I've never seen her this upset, this- serious.

"I did?"
I felt bad for her. Merlin knows what I did when I was drunk. Did I yell at her?

Fuck I did something.

"And you have a little something."
Her voice cracked.

She pointed to her neck; trying to tell me I had something on mine.

I squinted and made my way to the bathroom.

I flicked on the lights, scared to see what was on my neck.

I stood in front of the mirror with a hickey on my neck.

I felt my stomach drop.

Please- please tell me this is from Dawn.

I hesitantly stepped out of the bathroom.

She refused to look at me, she just kind of stood there looking at the ground.

I could see she wanted to cry.

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