"Is that a fucking hickey?"

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"Wake up, Miss."
Dobby shook me until I woke up.

I shrugged him off, trying not to get mad i'm being woken up. If this was any other person i'd be chasing them into oblivion for even laying a finger on me when I was sleeping.

I have a really bad habit of doing so.

"Miss, it's really important. It's about Draco."
He urged.

I groaned and finally sat up at the sound of my fiancés name.

"Is he okay?"
I huffed.

"He's missing."
He spoke shakily.

My heart dropped and felt every bit of exhaustion leave my body.

Maybe I didn't hear him correctly.

"Draco. Draco Malfoy. Your fiancé, miss. He's missing."
He spoke more clearly than ever.

Every negative thought possible ran through my brain all at once.

Which is reasonable. I'm not very optimistic.

But the major one was his father.

What if his father found him and came back for him?

He would be getting the dark mark right now.

He could be having the crucio curse done to him right now for running.

But before I panicked I searched the house from head to toe. Every room. Outside. The forest.

Absolutely nothing.

Not even a blonde hair in sight.

The last idea I had before freaking the fuck out was to mail the hotel everybody was staying at.

Surely he just went to hang out with everybody?

I mailed Blaise's room first, than Narcissa's. I told them if Draco wasn't with them could they check in with everybody else to see if he was there.

I sent my owl to the hotel and turned with a shakily breath.

"I don't think he came back for Draco, miss."
Dobby reassured.

We both know to whom he was referring to. Both of us were just too scared to think about or even speak of him.

"I hope not."
I forced a smile.

What was I supposed to do? Not worry?


"Maybe we should distract you until we get an answer back from your friends?"
Dobby mentioned.

"Yeah yeah, maybe I can like- cook? Yeah? Are you hungry? Do you want breakfast?"
I was slurring a bunch of words together.

Dobby probably thought I was mental.

My mind couldn't process that Draco could be in serious danger and I couldn't do jack shit about it except go to his manor and risk getting murdered.

Which I would do.

Don't fucking test it.

So yeah, maybe I am mental.

"Yeah, miss. You can cook. We have waffle ingredients in the cabinet, I think."
He pointed to the cabinet above my head.

I tried to reach it, but I couldn't budge.

Draco usually got that shelf for me.

Fucking hell.

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