"I believe you."

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I don't get why she thinks I fucked daphne if I didn't. we didn't do anything of that sort even. I pushed her off of me. She just sat there crying.

That's what took so fucking long, she wouldn't leave. I had to lie to her and say dawn was coming and she needed to go.

Why does dawn have to be such a bitch. Can't she just fucking see I wouldn't break the bet a day after I made it.

I didn't hear anything coming from her room, I was still outside it.

Her floor creaked and her bed springs sprung indicating she sat on her bed.

What am I supposed to do? Am I supposed to walk away? Am I supposed to follow her?

If I walk away this could be the last time me and dawn see each other. Fuck it. Fuck daphne.

I sped over to her door and swung it open. She was sitting against her headboard, with her legs crossed and her hands in her lap.

As she saw me and sighed and threw her head back pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Draco, I don't want to fight please."
She sounded so exhausted.


"I believe you okay?"

"No you don't."
I said while moving over to the edge of her bed.

She moved her hands down from her nose while taking a deep breath before speaking.

"How am I supposed to believe you?"

"Because I wouldn't make a deal just to break it a few hours later."
I half scoffed half laughed.

"If it was to hurt a girl you would. You would never admit it but you toy around with girls feelings. That's who you are."
She said genty, this is the first time i've heard her use a normal or soft even sort of tone.

"I know I do. But I-I don't know how to explain it. With daphne I didn't care. With ever girl I slept with I didn't care how they felt. With you i-its like- it's like I can't. I cant hurt you, evans."
I frowned a bit realizing I just said that.

Dawn wasnt the type of person to show affection, and neither am I, but with dawn it's like I needed to.

I didn't want to make eye contact. I'm scared there would be a look of hatred or anger in them.

I was leaned against her bed post, I heard her get up but I didn't look up.

She walked over directly in front of me, putting her hands on my cheeks to lift my face.

I closed my eyes to avoid eye contact. I heard her laugh slightly.

"Open your eyes."
She grinned.

I nodded my head 'no' slightly refusing.

She said sternly but a hint of softness.

I finally gave in and slightly opened my eyes to see her looking at me with a small smile.

She inched her face closer to mine, our noses were brushing against each other.

Her forehead was against mine and her hands were still on my cheeks.

I took this as a sign to put my hands on her waist. I slid them around her and gently placed them on her waist.

"I believe you."
She whispered.

That was the last thing she said before she fully leaned in and kissed me. It was slow and neither of us moved our lips taking in each other.

I slowly started moving my lips with her following. we found a rhythm that was slow and passionate.

I slowly started moving my hands up her waist, her shirt riding up a little bit with my hand. She smirked into the kiss before pulling away slowly.

"We have class."
She said with a small smile.

I groaned and moved my hands back down to my side as did she.

"I'll see you later Draco."
She said grabbing her wand.

I nodded as she walked out of her dorm.

A/n: here is some fluff for you guys. i know you guys wanted this to lead to angry smut and i apologize, but i promise i will make sure to include some smut soon for you whores.

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