"Thats neat."

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I fucking froze. Draco is in love with me? I knew he fancied me but I didn't even think he was capable of being in love with someone other than himself.

We just got done having sex, and he tells me he loves me. No no, he tells me he's in love with me.

I knew I felt the same way, but was I ready to say it? Of course not. So me being the complete idiot I am I say-

"That's neat."

Am I fucking mental? I watched Dracos eyes go from worried to- I don't know how to explain it. They weren't happy.

I know he was putting himself out there and being open. But what was I supposed to say? I panicked.

He scoffed slightly and sat up, he looked like he was processing what I just said.

He grabbed his jacket and walked off, back in the direction of his house.

"Draco, wait please."
I begged following him.

He ignored me and walked faster.

I kept begging him to turn around so I could explain but he ignored me. Soon enough we were out of the forest. I was behind him, so once he walked out of the forest I lost him.

I looked in all possible directions he could've gone in and he was nowhere in sight.

I whispered to myself.

I grabbed my hair and slightly pulled it. How could I fuck up that bad?

I was creeped out and upset so I just walked home.

When I walked in the door everyone was asking me how I was and if I had fun. I ignored them and walked up to my room.

I don't think I can come back from this. If only I would've said 'I'm in love with you."

Merlin, why didn't I say I was in love with him back. I mean, I know I feel the same way. I've known since the fucking ball.

I laid in my bed until I fell asleep. We were supposed to leave tomorrow. That means i'll have to sit on a train with Draco. Hopefully I can make it up to him tomorrow.


"You're sure you're okay to leave, hunny? I can ask Dumbledore to give you an extra week off-

"Yes mum, i'm okay."
I smiled softly picking up my bags.

We were standing at the train stop, Draco was here too but he kept his distance. He was a few feet away from me.

The train screeched and stopped. I sighed and picked up my bags.

"Bye mum, bye dad."
I smiled and hugged them goodbye.

They said goodbye back and motioned for me to go on the train. Draco followed. He sat in the furthest seat away from me. Fucking asshole.

He kept ignoring me and it was killing me. Things were going so well. I was sitting next to Arion, he's been quite quiet.

"Are you excited to see Jesus and Anne?"
I asked making conversation.

"Mhm, I got them a late Christmas gift from Hogesmade."
He smiled and dug in his bag.

"Oh yeah?"
I smiled.

"See, I got Anne a bracelet-
He held up a silver bracelet that had Anne's name on it in cursive.

"-and for Jesus I got him a comic book."

"I'm sure they'll love it."
I smiled.

"Did you and Draco give each other presents."
Not the kind you think Arion.

"Oh no, we don't really do presents."
I slightly chuckled.

"Hm, weird."
He shrugged and faced the window again.

I turned behind me to look at Draco, he was facing the windows as well.

I sighed out of dissatisfaction. I just wanted him to look at me. I wanted to explain but he wouldn't give me the time of day.

"Arion, i'm gonna go say hi to Draco."

He nodded and looked back at the window. I turned to see if the driver was looking and he wasn't. I took this as a sign to walk to the back of the bus.

Draco still ignored me even when I sat next to him.

"Please talk to me."
I begged, He moved his direction forward but still wouldn't speak or look at me.

The train stopped and this is the first time Draco has talked to me since the date.

"If you'll excuse me."
He said motioning for me to get out of the seat.

I scoffed and got up.
"You're so fucking childish."
I said i'm disbelief and walked off the train.

I heard Draco following me, but two can play that game. I walked over to our group and saw everyone.

They all were greeting each other so I just joined in.

"Hey fuckers."
I smiled.

Blaise was the first one to say hello and hug me.

"And the assholes back!"
He smiled as he pulled away.

"Fuck off."
I said shoving his shoulders back.

I hugged and greeting everyone else, but there was one more person I was about to turn to but I stopped myself before I could.

Pansy, holy shit. My eyes widened. I forgot Pansy. I fucking forgot Pansy.

"Aren't you going to hug me?"
She urged while smiling. I nodded and hugged her not so tightly as the others.

I cant let her think we can still you know, hook up? I asked to speak to her alone, away from the group and she agreed.

I pulled her over a few feet.

"Pansy, i'm so so sorry-

"I already know, Dawn. Don't worry."
She smiled.

She knew? How?

"You already knew?"
I asked completely dumbfounded.

"I wouldn't been surprised if you didn't go for Draco over break. I'm not upset, I found a new hookup as well."
She winked to a person behind me.

I turned around to see a random Hufflepuff blushing.

"Way to go, she's cute."
I nodded.

"I know right?"
She smiled.

The train screeched witch meant for all of us to go find a compartment together. We found one in the very back.

The seating arrangement was the usual, but Draco sat furthest away from me. Such a dick.

We talked the whole way there, slept some of it. Played truth or dare a little bit.

But we finally arrived and we all got off of the train.
It seemed quicker than usual.

We all filed off the train and arrived at Hogwarts. Everyone did what we always did when we came back, unpacked into our dorms and went to the great hall.

On the way to the great hall I saw Draco walking alone, this is the perfect opportunity to talk to him.

I shouted, he turned around but once he saw me rolled his eyes and faces forward again.

"You're going to have to talk to me eventually. Please Draco just let me explain."
I begged following behind him.

"Explain what? There's nothing to explain Dawn. You aren't in love with me."
He shrugged me off and entered the great hall.

He started walking down the rows.

"I am in love with you!"
I shouted.

Holy shit. Everyone turned to face me and Draco with wide eyes. Draco even stared at me. Holy fuck.

AN: Sorry if it's short and sloppy I was and still am vv busy, but i needed to get a chapter out to you guys.

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