"you're just a douche."

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dawn evans pov:
my eyes fluttered open and for a moment i didn't remember anything, i woke up with arms around me.

it was comfortable and safe so i grabbed there arms and made it tighter around my waist, moving backwards into there chest.

my vision became fully clear and i realized this is not my room. but it's familiar. i looked down at the arms around my waist only to see a hands stacked with rings.

one caught my attention especially, a slytherin ring. my eyes widened as i got flashbacks from last night and realized who's room i was in.

i continued riding him even after we both finished. i wasn't done with him yet.

he was breathing heavy, his chest was rising and once he calmed down from his high he groaned once again.

a wave of pleasure hit me right after i was calmed from my high considering i was still riding him.

does he want me to stop? he would ask me to stop if he wanted right?

i whispered bringing his head up to face mine from under his chin.

once his eyes met mine all i saw was lust and desire.

"do you want me to stop?"
i asked, but it coming out as a moan.

draco readjusted himself right when i was speaking.

"dawn shut up and touch me."
he smirked and thrusted into me again.

i groaned as the pain finally hit my core. i was going to be very sore today.

but how did i end up in his dorm?

did he take me here after we were done? did we do more rounds here?

i don't know and it's not like i needed to know. but i wanted to. i wanted to remember every detail from last night.

i wanted to savor it and think about it for hours. i don't know why i did, it was my best experience.

i've never felt that way before. nobody has ever pleased me that well.

i don't regret having sex at all. but i'm confused on why i had sex with draco.

was i drunk? i'm not hungover. i barley drank at the party. i didn't see draco drink anything but a can of beer.

i turned over in his arms to make sure it was actually draco and sure enough i was met with his white hair.

it was messy, he looked good like this. his eyes were shut revealing his very long eyelashes.

he had such a sharp jawline and his facial features are just perfect. he had his window opened which made his hair flow.

he had such pink lips, i couldn't tell if they were just that pink or if they were normal and his paleness brought out the pink.

i was enjoying looking at his every feature. i never captured every feature of caspians face like i am doing to draco's right now.

i was so mesmerized. i was basically staring at his angelic face. i didn't even notice he woke up and caught me staring.

"evans why the hell are you staring at me."
he groaned scrunching his face.

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