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Dobby was a fast ass fucking runner. He was a few feet in front of me, we never looked behind us incase they were still chasing and caught us.

But one of us had to because we were both slowing down from being out of breath. I quickly turned my head over my shoulder and saw a guy following very far behind.

He tripped on a rock and fell down. I took Dobbys hand and made him lay down in tall grass so he would think he lost us.

I watched him get up and looked forward for us but when he saw nobody in sight he punched the air and walked back to the manor.

I grinned and laughed, Dobby laughed too.

"We fucking did it, Dobby!"
I laughed harder.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Draco."
He smiled.

I nodded and sat up.

"I need to get cleaned up before I stop somewhere."
Of course the first place I needed to stop was at Dawns. Actually the only place I needed to stop.

"Where will we be going, Mr. Draco?"
He asked picking himself up.

"My old neighborhood, I need to see somebody."
I spoke as I dusted grass off my pants.

"Well sir, that would take at least two days to get there."
He added but cowered away, almost scared I was going to get mad at the bad news.

"I'm not my father, i'm not going to take it out on you."
I reassured.

Dobby didn't say anything, I think he was embarrassed.

I didn't say anything, I didn't want to make him feel bad.

I stopped.

"Dawn will be gone for Hogwarts in 2 days."
I whispered to myself.

"Dawn? Dawn Evans?"
Dobby asked.

"You know the Evans?"
I asked, shocked.

"Of course I do. They're very known, Mr. Draco."
He nodded and starting walking.

"How long will it take to get to Hogwarts?"
He was the only one who knew where we were.

"4 days, 3 if we get on a train tonight, Mr.Draco."

I groaned knowing we won't be able to get a train tonight.
It had been 2 days on this fucking train. I would rather take a muggle plane but in no fucking way would I be that level of stupidity to get on an object that flys?

Two days left, but it's worth it if I get to see and explain to Dawn.

She's at Hogwarts by now, and tomorrow we should be getting on the platform 9 3/4.

I just hope they take "late" students.

I'm sure they do?

It's going to work out, I need to stop worrying.

In the mean time I looked across the seat to check on Dobby.

I slightly laughed as I saw him passed out with his head leaned back. I felt bad for him.

He worked so hard all my childhood to be treated the way he does- used to.

I really hope I can change that for him. I'm going to try, i'm gonna try really fucking hard.

It was only the 3rd day back at Hogwarts and it was amazing.

I was having so much fun, way better then my summer.

I missed my friends more then I should have. But i'm just happy Draco is finally out of my mind and i'm okay now.

It's not affecting anyone around me and i'm grateful.

I was walking with Arion, I was helping him to his new classes. He was doing good, I was proud of him.

I smiled and started walking to my dorm as Arion shut the classroom door behind him.

It was me free period and I just just going to spend it reading or something.

I smiled at my feet, everything worked out. I didn't need Draco.

Although I did feel something empty in my chest that was so eager to be filled, and I think it was the way Draco made me feel.

But I can always get that from someone else. I didn't need Draco.

I made it to my dorm and shut the door behind me.

I walked over to my bed and sat down, pulling the book I was currently reading out from my pillow.

It was a suspenseful kind of book, like I usually liked them.

It was a series and I was on the 3rd book out of 6.

It was getting so good so far-

As I was rambling to myself about this book someone knocked on my door.

None of my friends had free period.

Who was knocking?

I folded the corner of my book and sat it down on my nightstand, walking over to the door.

As I turned the door knob, and opened it. I almost stopped fucking breathing.

Draco fucking Malfoy.

My throat tightened and I almost felt like I was in a dream. There's no possible fucking way Dracos right here.

I held a face with no expression just staring and examining him.

His hair was messy and untamed, but still clean and looked good. He was wearing clean clothes and looked full of energy.

What the fuck.

He smiled.


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