"Guys its gonna be two weeks!"

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I woke up with the worst headache of my life. I think I got a little drunk last night. And we're supposed to be leaving for the train at 12 ah fuck.

I rolled over only to be blocked by a body, I opened my eyes to see Pansy beside me. I wasn't confused or suprised, I just didn't expect her to sleep over. Draco rarely did.

I rolled over to check the time. Shit.

11:00 AM.

I haven't even packed, holy fuck.

I rolled over in a rush and ran to the bathroom. I slammed the door a little loud that I might've woken Pansy up.

I grabbed my toothbrush and squeezed a tiny drop on the toothbrush and brushed my teeth.

Once I was done I ran back out to be met with a very tired but woken up pansy.

I had forgotten I was only in a bra and shorts. Pansy saw me and smirked at the no shirt. I rolled my eyes and walked to my closet to get a suitcase.

"Good morning to you too, Dawn."
She yawned as she walked over to me.

I was bent over looking for bags when Pansy put her hands on my waist and squeezed.

"I like you in this position."
She said half laughing with a raspy morning voice.

I got up with a suit case in hand. I kissed her cheek and went over to my dresser stuffing as much clothes as I can.

"I should go pack too."
She scratched the back of her head.

Pansy was only wearing her underwear and a shirt that was short enough to reveal her underwear.

I coughed loudly while looking down at her bare legs trying to give her the hint.

She groaned and bent down in front of me, she yanked my shorts down and pulled them off.

I shrieked.

"Oh shush you'll get them back next time we hook up."
She rolled her eyes while sliding them
on amd exiting my dorm.

'Next time' I thought with a smile while running to my bathroom to grabbing all my shit.


I was standing around with the friend group and everyone was saying goodbye. The first one to hug me goodbye was Ambrose.

He walked over to me way to cockily with a smug smirk.

"I swear to good Huxley don't you fucking dare-
I back up before he started running and picked my up squeezing me very hard.

He let out a sigh as he out my down after a few seconds, making a knuckle and ruffling my hair.

I shrugged him off.

He laughed and stepped back so other people could say goodbye.

Next was Elysia and Faye, they both had pouty faces while walking towards me.

"We're gonna miss you so much Dawn."
Elysia squealed while her and Faye pulled me in for a hug.

Faye let out a 'mhm' as she rested her head on top of mine.

"Guys it's gonna be two weeks!"
I laughed.

Faye said while stepping back, Elysia following.

Luna, Flora, and Axel had already gone on the train. Since we all had different train stops we had to sit in different compartments. Don't think we're being Drama queens and kings. Well maybe Faye and Elysia.

Next was Pansy. She was standing with her arms crossed and slightly tugging on her lip with her teeth.

I opened my arms for her to walk into and of course her being Pansy fucking Parkinson she ran into my arms knocking both of us over.

I groaned as I hit the floor, Pansy on top of me.

"Not you too."
I groaned.

"Oh shut up and let me enjoy this."
She muffled into my neck.

I hugged her back on the floor of a train station. I opened my eyes to see Blaise and Draco left.

Of course the first eyes that catch mine are Dracos. He looked like he had been crying. Good, piece of shit. I glared at him and closed my eyes again.

I inhaled Pansy's perfume one last time before she got up.

I kissed her cheek and she walked onto the train waving at me one last time. That was a way to say goodbye for two weeks I guess.

Now was Blaise. He opened his arms this time. I walked over to him falling into his arms. There was no way to explain how calming Blaises hugs were.

I mean, do I even need to explain? It's Blaise. His hug lasted a little longer then all the others. I looked at Blaise as one if not the closest friend I have.

He was so sweet to everyone considering he was in Slytherin.

He pulled away with watery eyes.

"Oh my god not you too! Are you crying?"
I asked slightly laughing.

"What? No. Get off me."
He shrugged me off and turned around to wipe his face, then turned around.

"Blaise it's two weeks."
I laughed.

"Yeah yeah."
He shrugged with an annoyed face. 

"I have to go, enjoy your ride back with this asswipe."
He glared at Draco as pulling me in for one last side hug and walking on the train.

I had almost forgotten me and Dracos living situation. Of course we have to live in the same town.  Of fucking course.

I saw him try to say something but I honestly don't have any time for him right now. I turned around and walked on the train.

AN:  so sorry if this has typos, i'm like half asleep writing this.

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