"no boys."

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dawn evans pov:

i was grabbing my bags and owl to get ready to leave for the platform. ember ended up sleeping with me, i didn't mind though. it was nice having company.

i walked out my room and shut my door. when i looked back up draco stood right in front of me.

"what do you want draco?"
i asked already annoyed.

"amoret told me to get you. we are leaving now."

i started struggling with my bags, they were heavy and i had at least three plus an owl.

"my god."
i heard draco huff.

he snatched my bags and my owl with no trouble.

"can't even cary your own bags."
he huffed before walking away.

what is up with his mood swings?

i followed far behind him to say goodbye to dad and ember. i didn't have to say goodbye to arion he will be coming as well. it's his first year.

"have you got everything?"
i heard my mum asking repeatedly to arion.

"yes mum , if i don't you can send me a howler."
he huffed.

"mum give the poor boy a rest it's his first year."
i said walking up to them.

i saw arion mouth "thank you."

i winked and went to go say bye to dad.

"ah, there you are."
i said walking into his study. he was reading a book.

"dawn! hi sweetheart."
he said jumping up from his chair to hug me goodbye.

"hey dad. we are about to leave and i wanted to say goodbye."
he nodded and pulled me in for a hug.

"now dawn, be good. listen to dumbledore. and NO boys."
i laughed into his chest.

"oh don't be so tense about our daughter dating laurent!"
i heard my mother from the doorway.

he pulled away and rolled his eyes.

"bye dad."
i said with a smile.

"i'm serious no boys!"
he shouted before i closed the door to his study.

i rolled my eyes. he has said that for the past three years.

i went up to embers room and saw her playing with her toys.

i bent down and rubbed her back.

"i'm leaving for school now ember."
i whispered.

she looked at me with hopeful eyes.
"please don't go, stay here for another day."
she begged.

i chuckled.
"ember i don't have a choice. i would if i could. now give me a hug."

i sat up and so did she. she reached her arms up. i picked her up.

"i love you ember. i'll be back soon."
she sniffled into my chest.

i sat her back down and left with a wave. it was always hardest saying bye to her.

time skip: at the platform

"okay arion, basically you just grab your cart and luggage and like sprint into the wall."
i tried explaining.

"but i'll crash!"
he shrieked.

"here watch me."
draco huffed just tying to get on the train.

he sprinted into the wall and went straight through. he was quite fast. i don't know why i picked up that but he was incredibly fast.

"see? now go. draco will be waiting."

he huffed. he was shaking.

he ran into the wall successfully, me following after.

draco huffed.

i rolled my eyes at his impatience even though i don't have room to talk.

"can we go now?"
draco asked.

"you can. i have to show arion to his section of carts."
i said with a fake smile. i was impatient but he was a different level. he was annoying me.

"hurry up will you?"
why was he waiting for me.

i dropped my bags and picked up some luggage arion couldn't handle.
"well this is your carts, go sit where ever and try to make friends for me please."
i asked and pulled him in for a hug.

"ugh dawn! people are gonna see!"
he groaned.

"fine, now go."
i said smiling at his childish behavior.

he ran off into a cart. i hope he makes friends. he's such a sweet kid and very handsome. maybe even a girlfriend. either way i'll check up on him at the great hall.

i turn around to go to my cart but draco was still waiting.

"are you ready?"
he asked. no attitude. finally.

i looked back to make sure arion was in a cart.

i tried to grab my bags in draco's hands but he pulled back and walked off.

"what the fuck is up with him."
i whispered to myself before running after him.

i finally caught up with him but we were right in front of our cart, our carts were quite large. large enough to fit 9 people.

draco walked in first then me after.

"finally, what took you so long."
faye groaned while getting up to hug me.

"well evans here is slow as shit."
draco said snickering.

i glared at him and i heard the boys laugh at how annoyed he makes me.

"actually malfoy. it's arions first year i had to show him around."

they all nodded and i sat down between caspian and faye. across from draco.

i said hello to everyone and immediately started getting into conversations.

"okay how are all the couples doing?"
i asked leaning into caspians chest.

"me and faye are doing better than ever."
blaise said while stretching his arm around faye.

faye smiled and nodded.

i looked across from me to see elysia and ambrose snogging.

"i guess there doing just fine.."
i spoke.

"flora? how's luna?"

"oh she's fantastic."
she said with a huge smile.

i smiled at how in love she seemed.

"and how about you dawn? any love interests?"
caspian asked raising his eyes brows.

"your so dumb!"
i said shoving his chest.

he smirked and grabbed my chin, making me face him.

he connected our lips roughly and aggressive.

"feeling confident are we donovan?"
i asked while pulling away.

he said with a wink.

everyone broke out in laughter except for draco, he seemed more pissed than usual.

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