"Only if you watch."

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I was sitting on Dawns couch in my boxers, she was just in her bra and underwear.

I think that was the best sex i've ever had. Other than the first time me and Dawn had sex of course.

"Wait, what time is it?"
Dawn said as she sat up and looked around for her watch.

I looked over at the clock and it read 3:34.

"3:34, why?"

"Good. My mom and your family is supposed to be home by 6."
She sighed and layed back down.

"No shit?"
I scoffed and sat up.

She just looked at me confused.

"If we have that much time, why aren't we going for round 2 right now?"
I asked. Her eyes widened and she smirked a bit.

She moved from her side of the couch to mine and sat on my lap.

"You sure you can handle another round?"
She bit her lip as she started kissing my neck.

"W-well yeah."
I stuttered as she left hickeys all down my neck.

She moaned into my neck causing my breathing to go unsteady.

We got interrupted by a knock on the door. I threw my head back and groaned.

She pulled back and had an annoyed look on her face. She got off my lap and put on her shirt.

She walked off to see who was at the door, I sat there with a smile on my face. I think I finally can be with Dawn.

I admitted my feelings, and i'm guessing the feelings mutual with the way she just rode me.

I heard talking coming from the hallway leading to the front door. It was a girl at the door.

A very familiar voice, oh shit.

I quickly got up and didn't bother putting on a shirt or pants. I ran up to behind Dawn.

"Who's at the door?"
I laughed slightly nervous to look up and see who it is.

"I'll let you deal with this one, dickhead."
She scoffed and hit my shoulder on the way down the hallway.

I looked up and it was none other than Daphne.

"What are you doing here? Are you fucking crazy?"
I whispered aggressively.

"You weren't at your house and I know your family comes over here a lot."
She shrugged.

"I mailed you last night, why're you still wanting to speak to me."

"Oh for merlins sake, you can't just sleep with me for a month on end then cut things short because Dawn decides to stop being bipolar."
She spat.

"Don't talk about Dawn like that-
I started absolutely overflowing with anger.

"I'm not wrong am I? The whole school finds out and she randomly calls things off in the middle of the night? Then a month later gets horny and fucks you."
She squinted.

I started again but got interrupted by a voice behind me this time.

"Oh is that what you told her?"
I turned around scared for my life of the reaction i'm about to witness.

Daphne said squinting.

"Draco, what is she talking about?"
Daphne asked.

I started slightly laughing to make it less uncomfortable.

"Did you tell her that's how it went down?"
Dawn asked her eyes slightly glossy.

I cant stand seeing Dawn like that. I never see Dawn cry that often. Like ever. So to know that she has cried over me at least two times makes me feel like shit.

"Yes, he did."
Daphne added looking at Dawn now.

Dawn scoffed and ran her fingers through her hair.

"Who's gonna tell her, Draco?"
Dawn said in complete anger. Any hint of sadness was gone.

"I- I don't know- I mean-
I kept stumbling over my words.

"Do you care if Daphne finds out what happened it will ruin her impression on you? Is that why you're not saying it?"
She squinted and started walking towards me.

"What? No-

"Then fucking say it."
She said pushing my chest back, almost tumbling me over.

Nothing was coming out, it was like I was in shock. I wanted to just spit it out so Daphne could leave and Dawn and me could go back to what we were doing.

"Fucking say it asshole."
Dawn said raising her voice.

I still couldn't say anything. I was thinking it, it was on the tip of my tongue.

"Use your goddamn words if you don't care how she feels."
She shouted.

"I fucking lied, okay?"
It finally fucking came out.

Daphne asked stepping closer to me.

"D-Dawn didn't end things. I did. I ended things and it was the worst fucking mistake i've ever made."
I spat out.

Dawns face went down. But there was still anger building up.

"Why would you lie about that?"
Daphne asked looking dumbfounded.

"Because- you wouldn't have sex with me if I told you it was just for a rebound and to get off once in awhile. And that's the reason I broke it off with Dawn. Because I was scared of a relationship."
It was coming out like word vomit.

"S-so I was a- I was a rebound?"
Daphne asked getting glossy eyed.

"You were fucking other dudes the whole time we were 'dating' Daphne."
I squinted.

"Not true!"
She shrieked.

"Bullshit. Just stop dick riding me and Dawn okay?"
And with that I slammed the door in her face with a sigh.

"You finally grew a pair."
She scoffed.

"Oh go fuck yourself."
I said with a hint of sarcasm.

"Only if you watch."
She said inching closer to me.

She had the widest smile I've ever seen her wear, and it spread to my face as well.

"I like the sound of that."
I smirked and picked her up by her legs.

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