"How many people know?"

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We made it back to her dorm, without either of us freezing.

"Am I staying?"
I asked, as she took of her coat.

"Well no shit, it's past curfew."
She scoffed and fell back onto the bed.

I smirked and fell beside her. She took a deep breath.

I looked at her to see what was wrong?

"Got something on your mind?"

"No, just bored."
She said and turned her head to face me.
I shrugged and held my face in place, waiting for a conversation to spark up.

She moved slightly closer.

"You know Christmas break is coming up."
She sighed.

"Don't remind me."
I rolled my eyes and turned my head back to face the ceiling.

"What are you the fucking grinch? Who doesn't like Christmas?"

"There's nothing wrong with the actual holiday Christmas, it's the fact of who I have to spend it with."
I sighed.

"You and your family will probably spend most of your time at my place anyways. Narcissa loves Arion and Ember."

"Oh great."
I said playfully but sarcastically.

"Yknow, I would offer a very special early Christmas present for you Malfoy, but I don't think you deserve it anymore."
She crossed her arms and sat up.

I jerked my head up, and sat up on my elbows.

"You know I didn't mean it-
I started but got cut off by her lips meeting mine.

It was very soft and not aggressive like usual, she took her time with it. But slowly moved her way onto my lap.

"I thought you weren't in the mood."
I laughed into the kiss.

She didn't respond she just took her hand and out it on the back of neck, pulling me closer to her lips if that's possible.

The common aggression that would occur in our kisses made its way to us and now we were making out.

She licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance. Me without a doubt obviously opened my mouth for her to make her tongue into.

A moan left my lips as I felt her tongue dancing with mine.

I moved my hands to her waist, but before I could make my hands comfortable she pried them off and held them above my head.

I pulled away, asking her what was wrong with me touching her.

"You didn't want this, remember? Now you don't get to enjoy the full experience."
She smirked with saliva coating her lips.

She started untying her tie with the other hand that wasn't holding my hands.

"No please dawn- not again. You like me touching you-

"Don't make me have to shut you up to."
She glared as she finished untying her tie.

She moved my hands to the corner, and tied them to the headboard.

I groaned as she yanked it making sure it was tight enough.

She centered herself back on my lap and reconnected our lips. It was just aggressive as when we left off.

Within seconds her tongue was back in my mouth, she started moving her hands down my shirt, unbuttoning each button she got to.

That was until I heard a gasp, and i'm guessing Dawn did to considering she flew her head back to see who it was.

And nobody else but Luna and Flora once again ruining the moment.

"Dawn, you never told us you were still seeing, Malfoy!"
Flora gasped.

"You told them?!"
I asked uncomfortable with the position me and dawn were in and the fact people were watching.

She shrugged with an innocent smile. I rolled my eyes and threw my head back.

"Way to ruin the moment."
I groaned.

"Sorry we were looking for dawn, uhm-
Luna started but Flora took the words out of her mouth.

"Someone spotted you guys at hogesmade."

My face dropped along with dawns.

"How many people know?"
I asked eagerly.

"Almost the whole school really."
Luna spoke softly.

"Okay- thank you guys. Talk to you at breakfast."
Dawn said in a hurry.

They nodded and let themselves out.

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