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I woke up very relaxed. I had absolutely nothing on my mind. That was until everything from yesterday came back to my mind.

Daphne coming as Dracos date, Draco and I dancing, Draco saying he wanted more, Draco and I almost kissing, him walking out, and me running to my room.

It's a blur from that. I wanted to kiss him. This is the second time i've fucked it up. But now he's with Daphne. I don't know how long he's been with Daphne.

We went on christmas break a few days ago. But things ended like a month ago.

So probably for a month.

I wanted to go over to his house and apologize for it but he can't do that when he has a girlfriend. Who he's supposed to love.

I rolled over to look at my clock, it read 12:00pm.

Ah shit. I sat up and got out of my bed to get dressed.

I walked over to my closet still trying to wake up. I just picked out what I normally wear. A pair of jeans and a random t-shirt.

I brushed my hair and teeth, then went down stairs.

"Well good afternoon sleepy head."
My mom smiled stirring something in her dish.

I nodded and walked over to the living room where Ember and Arion were watching some cartoon.

"Oh and don't forget about the dinner tonight!"
My mom hollered from the kitchen.

"What dinner?"
I responded.

"At the Malfoys!"

"Please tell me you're kidding."
I scoffed.

Arion looked at me with a smirk. I squinted my eyes back at him

"Of course not, why would I be kidding?"
She asked walking and setting down plates for Ember, Arion, and I.

"Nothing nothing."
I sighed eating lunch.

"Is dad at work?"
I asked stuffing my mouth.

She let out a 'mhm' as she cleaned up.
* *
I was getting ready for the Malfoys. I don't know why of all nights tonight we would be eating over.

I put on a black button up shirt with the first few buttons undone, tucked into black jeans. I never really wore button ups but it looked hot with my cleavage being shown.

"Dawn, cmon we're gonna be late!"
My mom shouted from down the steps.

"I'm coming!"
I shouted back grabbing my bag and walking down stairs.

My mom wiggled her eyebrows.

I just nodded and walked outside with everyone, my mom following.

I wasn't but was excited. What if Draco is annoyed with me after last night? What if he thinks I didn't want to kiss him? I did, I really fucking did.

But Draco has a whole-ass girlfriend. He can't keep trying to get with me when he has a girlfriend.

We walked in front of the two houses in between mine and the Malfoys house. We walked up the stone pathway that lead to their front door.

My mom swapped the dish wrapped in aluminum foil to her other hand to knock.

The door opened slightly to reveal Narcissa. She looked beautiful as always. She was wearing a dark
green dress.

"Hello, come in!"
She lead us all inside.

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