Friendly? Date

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Minari quickly put her stuff back to our study, as we prepared for our date. I only took a while changing, and I'm starting to get impatient cause she's still not done getting ready. What's taking her so long?

I sneak in to our room as I was starting to get hungry and found her wearing a simple white dress, but still looking into the mirror with another dress in front of her, sorta like trying to look if it suits her.

I can't help but giggle at the sight of the pouting penguin who looks like she's facing the biggest dilemma of her life, with choosing her outfit for our date. I sneaked up behind her, startling her a bit, as I quickly wrapped my arms around her waist, putting my head on her shoulder, while looking at her through the mirror with a smile on my face.

Before anyone complaints, saying that I can't reach her shoulder, well I can! Well... I now can... because of the heels I am wearing, and she was barefoot, okay? No more buts. Hmph.


She had her head turned, looking at me, so I looked at her in the eyes too.

"What's taking you so long, love?" I asked her showing her my infamous dimpled smile.

"Well, I was trying to look for the perfect dress to wear."

I laughed a little with what she said, letting her go, guiding her to face me while I held both of her hands.

"Really now, Myoui? The perfect dress? Aren't you aware that anything you wear becomes perfect, cause you are the epitome of perfection yourself? And besides, it's just me. No matter what you wear, how you look like, barefaced or with make up, you'll always look perfect in my eyes." I told her sincerely, making her blush, as she leaned forward, hugging me fully, putting her arms on my shoulder as she bury her blushing face there.

"Well, well, well... Is my baby penguin shy? Omo! Our Minari is still weak with compliments. Wait till Jeongyeon unnie finds out about this, she'll surely bully you about it." I laughed as she lightly hit my shoulder.

I guess she really was shy, 'cause she still hasn't let go, so I had let us both melt into the hug, as I started slowly swaying, somewhat like slow dancing. To be honest, I love these kind of moments with her, the calm and quiet that she brings always complement the chaotic and uncertain life I live. When we hug, I feel comfort, it's like my safe place.

After a good few minutes, we heard my stomach growl angrily like a hungry tiger, which made both of us laugh out loud. With that, Mina dragged me out to our front door, still holding my hand as she wore black flats that matches her dress.

"Let's go babe, we don't want the tiger to get hungry, cause it might devour me whole." I just rolled my eyes with that and let her drag me to the car, before finally leaving for our date

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