No. At least, not yet.

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Mina was taken back to reality with Jungkook shaking her lightly, obviously worried. "Are you alright Dra. Myoui?"

"Oh... Yes. I am. I'm sorry. I just got a bit light-headed. Maybe, I was just a bit overworked." She replied, trying to cover up the real reason for her uneasiness.

"Oh, thank goodness. You got me so worried. I was actually about to call a doctor."

"I'm fine. I'm fine. Just give me a minute. You may sit back down.

After a few minutes of collecting her thoughts, Mina decided to hear the man out.

"Well, you were saying, earlier?"

"Ah! Right! As I was saying, I would like to ask for your permission to marry your bestfriend. I know we are not close enough for me to ask you a favor, but I would like you to trust me that I will love and take care of Chaeyoung to the most of my ability. I will always put her first, support her, and be everything she needs. She was my first, and I want her to be my last. And I promise that she is and will always be my only. I will give her the world if I could, because she is my world. Pardon me, for I am not really good with words but I love her. I can never really explain why or how, but my heart only beats for her. Corny, isn't it?"

Honestly, Mina doesn't know if she should be happy at how genuinely this guy loves her best friend or completely break, because she loves her too. If the situation was any different, she would've given him her blessing in a snap. The guy is perfect for her cub, but deep in her heart, she wishes that she can be more deserving of her.

No. Please. No. Is this a dream? I can't lose her. At least, not yet. How did she end up in this losing fight? To make things worse, she hasn't even started.

She was taken back to reality when Jung Kook, asked her again.

"So, what do you say? Will you let me marry our Chaeyoungie, Mina? I promise to be the best husband in the world for her. I can't promise that I will never make her cry, but I swear that when she does, I'll stay and mend her broken heart. I can't promise never to hurt her, because I know there may come a time when we would fight, but I will make sure to swallow my pride and do everything to make her stay. She's my world, and I'm willing to give up everything for her."

The guy's words left Mina speechless. She could see the sincerity in him, as he gently rubs the back of his neck, looking down.

Should she agree? Can she really give up her Chaeyoung? Can she hand him over to someone else? Or should she be the villain and stop the guy, take what she thinks is hers to begin with. But is she really?

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