The Decision

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It's been a few minutes, but the girl still hasn't answered, her eyes shifted back to the older girl who slowly turned around and quietly left the scene.

Were my eyes deceiving me or was that a tear that I saw from her eye. Chaeyoung thought in confusion before her attention was brought back to the kneeling guy with a shout.

"Hey Chaeyoung, our boy there is already trembling waiting for your answer. Please, let him down slowly." RM casually joked, earning a round of laughter from their family and friends and a low chuckle from her actually very nervous boyfriend.

"So, uhm... What's your answer, honey? Will you make me the happiest guy on earth and take my hand to forever hold?" He asked again flashing his boy charming smile which the girl reciprocated.


"Yes, Jungkook. I will marry you."

If Chaeyoung can describe the boy's expression after she replied. She will say that he looked so relieved and happy that his eyes sparkled as a wide grin appeared on his lips. He stood up with trembling knees and hands as he slowly put the engagement ring on her finger, before enveloping her with a tight hug.

"You don't know how happy you made me today, even happier than every day we've been together, love. I love you. I love you. I love you. Always and forever."

"And I love you too, you crybaby." Chaeyoung jokingly retorted before pulling the guy's collar, sealing everything with a kiss.

Unbeknownst to everyone who were happily cheering and clapping, there was one person who was watching the scene while clutching her chest tight. She knew that once she agreed to this, she would most likely kill her own heart. She would lose her happiness. But Mina isn't selfish. She could never take away the happiness of the person she loves most. If seeing her happy with someone else would mean killing her inside, she's willing to die a thousand times.

She loves Chaeyoung. She loves her very much. She loves her more than she can express and now, more than the girl would ever know.

AN: Short update. We are already in the climax of the story. Please, bear with me. I will try to update more often as I already am seeing the end of the story. Feel free to comment and suggest. Till next time!

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