Wedding Day

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In the days leading up to the wedding, Mina reverted to her usual, affectionate self with Chaeyoung. She was always at Chaeyoung's side, helping with every little detail of the wedding preparations, making up for the time she had distanced herself.

"Chaeyoung, do you think these flowers are the right choice for the centerpieces?" Mina asked, holding up a bouquet for inspection.

"They're perfect, Mina. Just like everything else you've helped me choose. You really know me so well," Chaeyoung replied, smiling at her friend. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

The night before the wedding, they stayed up late, chatting and laughing in Chaeyoung's room. 

"I can't believe you're getting married tomorrow," Mina said softly, a hint of sadness in her voice.

"I know, it's surreal. But I'm so happy you're here with me, Mina," Chaeyoung responded, giving her a heartfelt hug.

They eventually fell asleep side by side, cuddling. However, when Chaeyoung awoke the next morning, Mina was gone.

Frantic and confused, Chaeyoung searched the house and found a letter on Mina's bedside table.



By the time you read this, I'll be gone. I need you to know that leaving was the hardest decision I've ever had to make. But it's something I must do, for both our sakes. Please, do not blame yourself. It's about me, and a secret I've been carrying.

I love you, Chaeyoung. I always have. Not as a friend, nor as a sister. I love you deeper than you can ever imagine. More, than I have ever thought I could love. It's a love I've kept hidden because I couldn't bear to risk our friendship or your happiness. 

You mean the world to me, more than I've ever let on. My love for you goes beyond what words can say, and it's a feeling I've kept hidden deep inside. But your happiness is what matters most to me, and I can't stand in the way of that.

I'm leaving, because I don't want my presence to cast a shadow on your special day. You deserve all the happiness in the world, and I know you'll find that with Jungkook.

Please forgive me for not being there to see you walk down the aisle. Know that I will always cherish the moments we shared and the bond we have.

With all my love,


Tears filled Chaeyoung's eyes as she read the letter. Her heart ached with a mix of confusion and concern for Mina. She looked around frantically for any other clues to Mina's whereabouts, but instead, she found a used pregnancy test hidden away. The discovery only added to her confusion.

With the pregnancy test on her hand, Chaeyoung's heart started to pound so loud inside her chest. She really has to look for her Minari.

In the time of desperation, she realized that Mina's email is logged into her Ipad, so she quickly checked it for clues, and she didn't fail.

Without hesitation, Chaeyoung rushed to the airport, desperate to find Mina. She left behind a bewildered and concerned bridal party, arriving to get her ready for her big day.

Along the way, she also passed by her fiancé, who she didn't even noticed because of the rush.

"Where is she going? What about the wedding?" Jungkook asked, his voice laced with worry.

"I don't know," Nayeon replied, equally puzzled. "She just ran off without a single word."

As Chaeyoung sat her car, her wedding dress abandoned, her thoughts were consumed by Mina. She needed answers, and more than anything, she needed to make sure her friend was safe.

The wedding venue was left in disarray, with guests murmuring and speculating. For Chaeyoung, however, the priority was clear – she needed to find Mina, to understand the depth of her feelings, and to face whatever future lay ahead.


A/N: I hope this chapter makes up for my mistake on the previous chapter. Please, continue supporting this story. Where already heading for the climax, so buckle your seatbelts, everyone. 😉

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