Teasing gone wrong

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As the unnies went into college and went our separate ways, we made sure never to lose contact with each other, resulting to our promise that no matter what happens, we must meet with each other at least twice a month. And unbelievably, through the years, and even with our very busy schedules and lives, not one of us have broken that said promise.

Today we decided to meet on the new dog café that Tzuyu opened, honestly though, I lost count of her businesses already.

"Mina unnie!" I shouted from the shower.

"Yes, baby?" I heard her replied from outside the bathroom door.

"Can you please hand me my clothes? I forgot to bring them with me."

In just a few minutes I heard a small knock on the door, so I opened it and peaked at it with my head, reaching for my clothes with my right arm, while covering the rest of my body with the door.

Mina unnie laughed while looking at me as I pouted at her.

"Really Chaeyoung? What are you even covering? It's not like I haven't seen all of you already." She said smirking as I turned red blushing while glaring at her before I hurriedly grabbed my clothes closing the door afterwards.

I could still hear her penguin noises, I mean laugh outside, and honestly, I don't know if I should be irritated or think that she's cute. Well, whatever! 

Btw, don't get the wrong idea. Mina unnie and I used to bathe together when we were younger. That's just that, okay? And what's the fuss? We're both girls anyway.

When I was done changing, Minari is already set to leave. She still had that smug look plastered on her face, so I decided to get back at her.

I quickly picked up my purse, wore my heels, and head out without looking back. I know she'll follow me anyway. And as the door of the elevator was about to close, she came in running. She tried talking to me from that point, up to the time when she drove us to the café, but I didn't budge. I even sat at the backseat and wore my airpods on the way trying to ignore her completely.

When we got into our destination, it was my turn to smirk, as I quickly head inside the café leaving a dejected penguin parking her car.

Karma is a bitch, right, baby? 

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