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Days before the wedding, Mina's behavior became increasingly odd, raising eyebrows among the Twice members – Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Momo, Sana, Jihyo, Dahyun, and Tzuyu – who had gathered to throw a bachelorette party for Chaeyoung, where Mina was invited, as a part of the group.  As the celebration unfolded, everyone began to notice Mina's strange actions. She was irritable, unusually selective with her food, and steadfastly refused to drink any alcohol.

While the rest of the group tried to overlook these changes, attributing them to stress, Sana, one of Mina's best friends, couldn't ignore the signs. Sana soon found a moment to pull Mina aside.

"Mina, are you okay? You've been acting differently," Sana started, her voice low and concerned.

Mina hesitated, then sighed, refusing to look at her friend, wishing she doesn't push it anymore, afraid of the fact she has to divulge.

But Sana was determined to seek answers. "Mina, be honest with me, are you pregnant?"

Mina nodded, her expression a mix of fear and hope. "Yes, Sana. Yes, I am."

Sana's eyes widened as something registered in her mind. She wanted to ask her friend about it, but she knew she has no right, so instead, she decided to ask the safe question.

"But Mina, have you thought this through? What about Chaeyoung?" Sana asked, her tone laced with worry.

Mina's eyes filled with tears. "I know the implications, Sana. But I there's no way I'm not keeping my baby. I love Chaeyoung so much, but I know that I have to do what's right."

Sana gently embraced her friend, understanding the depth of Mina's feelings and the complexity of the situation. "I'm here for you, Mina. But remember, this baby will have a huge impact in your life. You need to think carefully about the future."

As the party went on, the two friends shared a moment of silent solidarity. Mina, grappling with the weight of her secret and her unrequited love for Chaeyoung, found solace in Sana's support. The festive atmosphere of the bachelorette party was now layered with a hidden truth that could change everything.


A/N: To those who have read this chapter prior to this message, I'm sorry. I accidentally published the wrong version of this chapter, so now you'll be quiet advanced in terms of the story line. 😭

I decided to change it last minute, and I guess I failed to click save, but this is supposedly the one that should've been published to maintain the flow of the story.

Again, I'm so sorry, and I hope you'll understand why I had to change it after reading the next chapters. 🙇‍♀️

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