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Ugh. I'm so tired. Weekends in the hospital really sucks. How I wish I'm on my comfortable bed cuddling with my Minari instead.

"Yah baby cub! What are you doing slumped on your desk? Your patients are waiting for you." Sana said as she entered my office.

"But, I'm so tired." I whined and pouted.

"I can see that. That's why I brought you this. Tada!"

"Iced Americano! How'd you know I wanted this, unnie?" I beamed at her before taking a sip.

"That's actually Iced 'Minaricano'. Mina asked me to grab one for you on my way here." She said, as we both giggled, remembering how mina renamed the drink, claiming it for it's her favorite.

"Minari really knows me so well."

"Exactly! You're basically a married couple you know. I won't even wonder if you end up together." Sana unnie grinned.

"Eh? That's funny, unnie. We're both girls, and we only see each other as sisters. Besides, I have Jungkook remember." I reminded her.

"Whatever, Chaeyoungie. I still think, you and Mitang are a better pair. You're basically soulmates and everybody knows that."

Before I could reply, Sana unnie bid me a quick good bye when she realized that it's almost time for her shift. Oh well.

"Mina unnie and I, huh? Wouldn't that be weird? She's almost a sibling to me. I've always considered her as my unnie. Could that even be possible?" I thought.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not homophobic. My friends are literally gay, and I don't love them any less. They are actually the best people I know! It's just that. It's kinda weird cause I never thought of it that way. How about her though? Has she ever thought of what we have as something more?

Nah. Probably not. To Mina unnie, I am her dongsaeng, and nothing could change that.

That thought made me grin ear to ear. Because I know that as long as we maintain the relationship we have now, we'll remain in each other's lives forever.

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