Only look at Chaeyoung

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The ride to the café was quiet, mostly just composed of Mina trying to apologize to Chaeyoung, looking at the younger girl on the rear view mirror from time to time. It was actually scary to think that the one driving the car was distracted and not focused on the road, but the little cub was not scared at all. She trusts Mina with her life a hundred percent.

They arrived early. When Mina caught up with Chaeyoung who was already sitting at the corner of the café greeted with an eating Momo, a Tzuyu carrying her dog Gucci, and Dahyun who was doing her "bro" hand shake with her, so she quietly took the place that was always reserved to her, the one right beside the smaller girl. She greeted the other girls with warm hugs and smiles. She remained seated having small talks with the other girls as the remaining Twice members arrived one by one, looking at the baby cub every moment she gets. 

Nayeon was the last to arrive, saying that the protagonist usually arrives last, gaining grunts and scoffs, more from Jeongyeon than the other girls. And they started to bicker again like an old married couple.

They were were catching up with each other while eating. Chaeyoung was still ignoring Mina, and the latter still never took her gaze off the younger girl. She ordered strawberry short cake and without forgetting to put the strawberries on her Chaengie's plate cause it's her favorite. The small cub, though still obviously avoiding her, repaid her with a smile, which was already enough to lighten up her mood.

The whole duration of the meal passed without Mina noticing it. She was too engrossed and fascinated with watching her baby converse with their friends, feeling the familiar fluttering of her heart whenever the small girls infamous dimple shows up, which is every time she talks. How adorable!

Mina was brought back to reality with a soft elbow nudge by a grinning Nayeon. The latter motioned her to come closer to whisper something directly to her ear.

"Stop staring at my kid, Myoui. She might as well melt in the intensity of your gaze, if this continues on." Nayeon teased giggling at the obviously flushed penguin.

Am I really that obvious? Mina thought pouting. But before she can reply to the eldest's remark, she has been exposed to another series of teasing when their resident prankster, Jeongyeon, who also decided to take notice of her previous behavior.

"So Mina, how are you? Haven't heard a word from you since we arrived. You seemed to be very pre-occupied by something, or should I say, someone." The remark earned hearty laughs from everyone at the table, for they actually noticed the same thing after all. 

This made the penguin blush profusely, hiding behind the small frame of the person beside her, her head on the latter's  shoulder, like it would help.

"Come on guys! Stop teasing the girl. She wouldn't earn the nickname, 'only look at Chaeyoung' since high school for nothing, right?" Their leader, Jihyo said. 

"Seems like some things never change, eh?" Dahyun added, wiggling her eye brows.

To say that Mina was embarrassed is an understatement. She can feel her face burning, while hearing her friends laugh at her habit and high school nickname. It would've been fine if it was only the eight of them, but having Chaeyoung so near and even laughing along does not actually help.

She thought they won't stop making fun of her, until she finally heard Chaeyoung speak.

"Yah! Stop making my baby shy, it's not her fault that I'm the only one beautiful enough to be stared at here!" She said, ending her remark with a merong.

She earned disagreeing grunts and other noises from their friends, the others even throwing crumpled tissue papers on the her while she laughed loudly. Mina can't help but smile and stare at her as she turned, facing and holding her hand saying, "Don't worry baby, I got your back. Always."

And the smile Chaeyoung gave at the end of that speech was enough to make Mina have the same smile plastered on her face for the whole duration of their stay at the café. 

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