World Shattering

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"Dra. Myoui, someone's looking for you." 

"Who is it? Does the person have an appointment?"

"He said he doesn't but that you know him and he just needs a few minutes."

"He? Did you happen to get his name?"

"It's Dra. Son's boyfriend, ma'am, Mr. Jeon Jungkook."

The name mentioned by the nurse made Mina completely stop from reading her files. "Did he get to the wrong office? What does he need?" She thought.

"Let him in."

In a few minutes, she was now face to face with her love rival.

"Dra. Myoui."

"Mr. Jeon."

Formal. That's how you can describe the two. Because though they are two of the most important people in the life of Son Chaeyoung, they never really got to spend time with each other or are always just casual with each other.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of having you here? Does Chaeyoung know you're back?" Mina said, trying to force a smile.

"Actually, no. That's part of why I'm here. I would like to ask you to keep this a secret for the meantime."

"A secret? Please, take a seat first. It seems like well be having a long talk. May I offer you any type of refreshment?" Mina stood up and went to the other table just beside hers, where the refreshments are. 

"Anything will do, really. Thank you."

Once the man was already settled Mina prepared him a coffee, as he continued, "I... I would like to ask for your blessing, as Chaeyoung's best friend. I would like to ask you for her hand in marriage. I already asked for permission from all her family members and decided to ask you next."

What the man said, made Mina dizzy, causing her to stumble and almost lose her balance; thankfully, she was able to hold onto the table.

"Are you alright?" Jungkook was quick to assist her, holding her elbows and leading her to sit on her chair.

"Do you want me to call for a nurse?" He asked, but Mina was already too disoriented to even answer. Her head was spinning, all she can hear is Jungkook's statement, 'I would like to ask you for her hand in marriage.'


I haven't even told her I love her yet.

Am I going to lose her this soon? I was just starting to accept that she is not mine.

I can't lose her.

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