The Chase

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In a whirlwind of emotion, Chaeyoung dashed through the airport, her heart pounding in her chest. The letter from Mina, filled with unspoken love and a painful goodbye, had left her in a state of shock and confusion. The discovery of the pregnancy test only added to the turmoil in her heart.

Chaeyoung's mind raced with questions as she navigated through the crowds, desperately searching for any sign of Mina.

Mina is pregnant, but she has never been in any relationships. But regardless of the child's paternity, Chaeyoung knew she couldn't let Mina disappear from her life without a proper farewell.

Finally, she spotted Mina in the distance, standing in line at a departure gate. It's silly how since they were kids, they are the representation of the quote, "In the crowd of people, I will always find you."

Without hesitation, Chaeyoung ran towards her, calling out her name. "Mina! Mina, wait!"

Mina turned around, her eyes widening in surprise as she saw Chaeyoung approaching. "Chaeyoung? What are you doing here?"

"Your wedding..." Mina's eyes searching for the younger's, full of concern.

"I-I had to find you," Chaeyoung said, out of breath, not being able to look at her friend's eyes.

"I read your letter. Why didn't you tell me how you felt? And the pregnancy test... Mina, what's going on?"

Mina's eyes filled with tears. "Chaeyoung, I'm sorry. I never meant to cause you pain. I love you, more than you'll ever know, but I can't ruin your happiness with Jungkook."

"But you're a part of my happiness, Mina. And this child... whose is it?" Chaeyoung asked, her voice laced with concern.

Mina hesitated, then replied softly, "It doesn't matter who the father is. What matters is that I need to do this on my own. I can't stay and watch you marry someone else. It's too painful."

It took a moment before Chaeyoung was able to utter a response, seemingly deciding what to do. But, soon after, she took Mina's hands in hers. "Mina, you don't have to go through this alone. We'll figure this out together, as friends. We can take care of it together. We'll never make the baby feel like it's missing something, just because it doesn't have a dad. Please, don't leave."

The two stood there for a moment, lost in each other's eyes. Around them, the world continued to move, but for Chaeyoung and Mina, time seemed to stand still.

Minutes passed, with Mina looking dumbfounded, merely staring at the cub's eyes, trying to find out if she's joking. But she was met with eyes full of determination.

Finally, Mina nodded, a small smile breaking through her tears. "Okay, Chaeyoung. Let's go home."

As they walked away from the departure gate, hand in hand, Chaeyoung knew her life had changed forever. She knows she will face a lot of things as she returns, with the wedding, Jungkook, and the new responsibility with Mina, but she doesn't regret her choices one bit, because she knows a life without the girl whose hands she's holding is just a void that she can't imaging living.

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