I promise.

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The last thing Chaeyoung remembers from the night before was being lifted and settled on the bed, with Mina shushing her hugging the small girl closely to her chest, kissing her head and rubbing her back. The sense of comfort and familiarity immediately put the cub to sleep.

She woke up the next morning with puffed eyes, but a full heart. Mina still had her tightly wrapped in her embrace, the younger's head comfortably placed just above the older girl's heart. She doesn't know how long she stayed still in that position, listening to Mina's steady breathing and her calm heartbeat. Chae felt so safe and happy in her arms that she thought she could stay that way forever. 

But then, she felt the urge to be closer to Mina. (If that's even possible.) So she scooted closer, burying her face on the crook of the older girl's neck, smelling her intoxicating jasmine scent, pulling her closer by hugging her by her shoulder. She felt her unnie hug her back before she fell back to her dreamland.

Chaeyoung woke up again some time past noon, she immediately stretched her arms, searching for the warm body that held her close the previous night, only to be greeted by an empty space. She got up with a frown, glancing on her bedside clock. Seeing that it was way past lunch time, she thought that Mina might have left already for work. 

"She didn't even wake me up or kissed me good bye." She thought.

She strode out of her room with her shoulders slouched, sporting a cute little pout, looking at the floor as she walked with her clutch, head down, only to stop when she hears a familiar giggle and sees a pair of feet, wearing the penguin slipper she gave a certain someone she misses at the moment.

She quickly looked up wearing a big smile, seeing her unnie smiling widely at her, bringing a tray of what she guessed is her brunch.

She wasn't able to stop herself from squealing a tiny, "Mina unnie!" Before moving forward, hugging the said girl, careful not to make her spill the food she was carrying on her tray, while the older raised the tray with one hand, knowing the younger's plan.

"Unnie! I thought you left me alone." She said pouting, after a while.

"After what happened last night? I don't think I'll ever let you leave my side again, baby cub." The older woman replied, motioning her to get inside her room, as they settled on her bed facing each other, with the food tray in between them.

A moment of silence engulfed the room for a few minutes, with the two occupants intently looking at each other, their eyes trying to convey what their words cannot.

"I'm sorry." They both said at the same time, which made them chuckle. Just like nothing had happened the day before.

"I should be the one to apologize, unnie. I was careless and I hurt your feelings. I'm sorry, I promise not to do that again." Chaeyoung wasn't able to stop her eyes from instantly tearing up, as she remembered how she made her unnie sad.

Mina quickly moved a little forward and instantly wiped the smaller girl's tears saying, "No baby, it was my fault. I'm so sorry. I was so clouded by my anger and my pent up worry that I had let you down yesterday. I'm sorry for letting you experience that alone yesterday. I'm so sorry." This time, the older girl was crying too before hugging Chaeyoung so tight.

After a while, they parted and looked in each other's eyes. 

The small cub was the first to talk saying, "Unnie, let's promise each other that we won't let this happen again, that we won't let ourselves be eaten by anger when we fight, and that we should always talk it out without letting the day pass." She extended her pinky finger afterwards, pushing it forward towards the other girl.

Mina smiled at her lovingly, reaching for her hand, hooking her own finger on Chaeyoung's. 

"I promise."

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