Come what may...

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"Babe, I'm home! Please come out of the room so we can eat." Chaeyoung shouted, as soon as she got inside their house.

A few minutes later, a still sleepy Mina got out of her room, carrying her stuffed tiger plushie while rubbing her eye.

"Yah! Minari, how many times have I told you not to rub your eyes like that. Come here now, I prepared your favorite."

Mina just replied with a pou before, instead of sitting on her spot on the dining table, sitting on Chaeyoung's lap, putting her arms around the girls shoulder before burying her face on the side of the younger's neck and sniffing her irresistable scent.

"Good morning, Chaeng Chaeng."

She felt the cub rubbing her head then combing her hair with her hand, helping her to be more comfortable on her position by adjusting the way she sat. But it became so comfortable that she unexpectedly fell asleep again.

A few minutes later, she was awoken softly and carefully by the girl. "Hey, Minari. As much as I love seeing you sleep, you have to eat. We can't let the baby get hungry now, can we."

The mention of the baby suddenly woke Mina's mind. She was sent back to reality. The memories of everything that happened yesterday came rushing back in her mind which made her earlier comfortable position became so awkward.

Shit! She forgot the mess she made on Chaeyoung's life. What the hell! She was so sleepy, she acted all cozy and normally earlier.

She suddenly got up and awkwardly sat on her designated seat on their dining area, trying to avoid the girl's eyes.

The girl, obviously oblivious of her reaction, proceeded with putting food on her plate, serving her, like she usually does.

"Oh! Minari. I bought you some fruits and fresh milk. I also bought more healthy food. Starting from now, were going to make sure you have a healthy diet for the baby, okay. I'll cook. Don't worry. Also, can you, like, prescribe some vitamins for you, so I can buy some later, you know, for you and the baby." Chaeyoung cheerfully said, getting Mina's attention.

In another situation, this would be so funny, considering how the small girl was asking the taller to prescribe herself pregnancy vitamins, but what the hell, maybe, there's nothing wrong with that, as she's a Ob-gyne anyway.

"Come on, say ahh..." Mina hesitated for a second but still ate the food in front of her. She then saw the girl pouring fresh juice on a glass and putting it in front of her before preparing another spoonful to feed her.

She remained silent, only looking at the beaming girl, who looks far from sad, considering that Mina just made a huge mess on her life yesterday.

She ran away from marriage, how can she still smile like that?!

"Is anything wrong, babe? Don't you like the food? Do you want anything else? Is there anything wrong?" She frowned realizing the silence from the older, curiously looking at the girl to observe her.

Mina just sighed, thinking that she should clear things out, to make everything more comfortable between them.

"Chaeyoung. We have to talk." She looked at the girl with all certainty.

"Oh-kay. What is it?"

"Why are you being like this? Why are you acting normally, like nothing happened? Like there is no mess waiting for you to fix because of my actions. Why are you not confronting me? Why are you still taking care of me and treating me like this?"

Chaeyoung was shocked with the sudden outburst. She tried to open her mouth to talk, but then decided to close it again seconds later, before sighing as well.

"Because I don't want anything to change, Mina. What happened is not your fault. You shouldn't worry about it. Everything that occured is because of my decision, okay? No need to think about it. And you have the right to or not to tell me anything about what happened and your condition. My only concern and priority right now is your and the baby's welfare, nothing more and nothing less. Are we clear now? Can I continue feeding you?"

She was so serious while she said those that Mina can't help but cry. How can she be so caring and understanding? It hurts Mina to think that she is doing this angel wrong. But she also knows that everything will be even messier if she tells her the truth. Maybe, this is better. Maybe, Chaeyoung is right. They should live in their now, and not worry about anything else.

"Shit! Why are you crying? Oh my gosh. Please, stop, love. That's bad for the baby." Chaeyoung panicking, rushed to her side, trying to wipe her tears with her bare hands before hugging the girl comfortingly.

"This. This is enough. There's nothing more she can wish for." Mina thought.

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