Forget Me Not

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One day at lunch, MiChaeng were sharing a meal with a sulky Sana. She was having tantrums because Dahyun had seem to forget their Monthsary. What's worst is it was the first time to do so in their 70 months together, as she rambled on.

"She must not love me anymore." She started again, teary eyed, poking on her food.

"Seriously, Sana? Do you really believe what you are saying? My bro's literally whipped. She loves you so much. We all know that." Chaeyoung explained, as Mina prepared the home cooked lunch she made for the two of them in front of her, while nodding along.

"But you also know how good her memory is. She never forgets anything. So how come, she forgot today?" She said unconvinced.

"You know how busy she is. Maybe it just slipped out of her mind, or she is just in the middle of a shoot, that's why she hasn't greeted you yet. Don't think negatively." Mina reasoned out, putting kimchi on Chaeyoung's plate, before eating the food the latter was trying to feed her.

"What if she doesn't love me anymore? What if she found someone prettier or sexier? You know her profession. She meets a lot of celebrities who are way better than my clumsy self. What if she leaves me? I can't lose her. You know much I love her." She finally teared up, unable to imagine life without Dahyun.

She kept wailing, receiving no answer to the two who were now giggling softly, looking behind her. This made her turn around to look at what was so funny that her friends chose to ignore her rants.

"And I love you just as much, or even more, clumsiness and all." A grinning Dahyun, holding a teddy bear almost as big as her and a bouquet of chocolates, said.

Sana cried even more, launching herself to her lover, making her drop the gifts on her hand.

"Yah! How dare you make me cry! I thought you already forgot about me." She said hitting the smaller girls shoulder.

"Me? Forgetting you? You're speaking of the impossible, baby. Your etched in every fiber of my being, you know. You're my soulmate. I'll never forget you, even if you force me to." She said, soothing the crying girl, who finally smiled through her tears before kissing her.

The kiss was put to an end when they heard an intentional cough from their friend.

"Ahem! We're still here, in case you forgot. If you're planning to make out or more, please leave my office and find a room, or better yet, an available bed. We might have some this time, since there aren't a lot of patients." A teasing Chaeyoung said.

"The bed in my office, is off-limits though." Mina added, before laughing at the red-faced couple.

"Whatever! What are you having? I'm starving! I came here directly from the set." Dahyun said, pulling Sana with her to sit on the empty chairs.

With that, the group happily ate while chatting.

While they were eating, Mina and Chaeyoung would eventually feed each other and do things for each other. They're so cute being so in sync with each other that everything they do seems natural, like they are a part of a single entity, or that they can read each other's minds.

For example, Chaeyoung gets the meat from the crab they were eating, as Mina feeds her the shrimp she just peeled the skin off. Chaeyoung will remove the stray strands of hair in Mina's face, after feeding her the crab meat. Then, Mina hands Chaeyoung water, after a spoonful of kimchi rice, even before she asks for it. Chaeyoung even wipes the sauce on the side of Mina's face with her fingers before sucking on it.

They're basically a married couple, their friends thought quietly, exchanging looks between each other. Deciding to keep it to themselves, secretly hoping that the two will realize how prefect they are for each other.

Mina really has to make a move before it's too late, the couple thought.

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