A day in the cafe

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"When you said you're going to bring me out on a date, you didn't tell me that you'll also make me your driver," an annoyed Chaeyoung said, while rolling her eyes.

This was only responded by a giggle and an eye smile, before her "date" held one of her hands tightly, placing it lightly on her lap.

"Seriously, Myoui? Do you want us to get involved in an accident? Let go of my hand." She tried to detach her hand from the hold, but the other only held it tighter, entwining their fingers, as they fit perfectly together, like their hands were made for each other to hold.

"Stop. You know how much I love holding your hand. It makes me feel at peace, and besides, I trust you with my life Ms. Son. I know I'm safe when I'm with you. Now, eyes on the road. I know you're hungry, babe."  


Chaeyoung rolled her eyes for the nth time for that afternoon. She swore her eyeball might be dislocated by the end of the day, so she must stop.

"Btw, where are you taking me? I've been driving for a while now without a direction in mind."

"I don't know. Where do you wanna go, babe?"

"Seriously? Oh my gosh Myoui, what kind of date are you? You don't even know where we would go? What kind of date is this?" The smaller girl softly laughed in disbelief.

"Stop laughing at me, Chaengie. This is sudden, if you have forgotten. I had no time to plan, so instead of making fun of me, why not suggest where you want to eat?" the pouting penguin replied.


"Ohh... I know! A new branch of Hyunjin's bakery café had just opened nearby. Do you wanna go there? Who knows, we might even see Heejin there, knowing how much she loves to spend her time with her girlfriend."

Mina only answered with a small smile, as they headed to the said bakery café.

When they arrived at the place, Chaeyoung was not mistaken, as she was greeted by a smiling Heejin, wearing the shop's apron.

"Good after - oh! Unnies! It's you. Welcome to Aeongie's Bakery Café!" 

"Good afternoon to you too, Heej. Seems like you aren't busy in the studio today." Chaeyoung proceeded to hug the girl as a greeting. 

Before Heejin was able to reply, a slightly taller girl, wearing the same apron popped out of the kitchen and greeted the two new comers. "She actually is unnie, but she won't listen to me and still comes here every day, as in every single day." The girl who looked slightly annoyed then proceeded to hug them as well.

"Well, what can I do, I can't last a day without seeing you or being with you." Heejin pouted and hugged clung to the girl's side tightly. 

"Oh, whatever! If your father fires you from your recording company, I'm breaking up with you. I don't want to end up with a starving artist, you know." Hyunjin rolled her eyes, but took a handkerchief and wiped the other girl's cheek, which had a bit of flour on it.

"Whatever, baby, I know you love me and besides, we can live off of your family's wealth." The other girl retorted and raised her brows playfully, before attacking the taller girls cheeks with kisses.

"Oh my gosh! Stop." With that, the cat stormed off, being chased by the bunny with her kisses.

The two older girls just watched them with amusement and smiles on their faces. 

"Baby, seriously, stop. Aren't you ashamed of doing that in front of your future sister-in-law and Mina unnie? Be thankful, there aren't a lot of people at this hour or I would've thrown you out." Hyunjin said, stopping in front of the two, with her hand on her girlfriend's pouting face, stopping her kissing onslaught.

"Oh, you wouldn't. You love me too much to do that. Besides, I know you secretly love my kisses." The other girl said with a smirk and a wink, before facing her unnies. "Btw, unnies, how'd you know about Aeongie's new branch?"

"You know your brother Heej, he's a tattle tale. He literally blows my ears off when we talk, telling me everything under the sun. I wonder why he didn't just become a reported or a teacher." They both laughed with what Chaeyoung said. 

Hyunjin, on the other hand, remained silent, as some questions started to form inside her mind when she noticed how her Mina unnie's expression seemed to have changed, when she called Chaeyoung Heejin's sister-in-law and when the said girl started talking about her boyfriend. Strange. She thought, but brushed it off, thinking that it might just be her imagination.

"Well, unnies why don't you take a seat first, I'll have my crew prepare our best sellers for you. On the house!" She told them with a smile.

"No need, Hyunjin. We'll pay." Mina replied with a smile.

"I insist unnie." 

Mina was still about to argue when Chaeyoung just laughed and said, "Let her, babe. You know how much Hyunjin is like her sister Tzuyu, both very insistent and generous. Besides, they're very rich, she wouldn't go bankrupt, even if she gives us a meal every day."

They all just laughed with what she said, as the two other girls led them to their table.

We'll be back unnies, we'll just tell the staff to take over for us. With that, the younger couple left the two bestfriends.

"You know unnie, they actually remind me of us when we were younger. I would've never guessed that they're more than friends, if JK didn't tell me." Chaeyoung said with a laugh while her gaze followed the two. 

Mina only sighed looking at the other girl. How I wish we actually end up like them though, she thought.

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