Lovers' Quarrel

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"Sorry, I'm late!" A running bunny came inside the restaurant in a rush.

"Yah! Seriously, Nayeon-ah, you were the one who asked us to come, but you're the one who came late. Unbelievable!" An irritated ostrich remarked, rolling her eyes.

"You know what they say--"

"The star always arrives last. Yeah. Yeah. Whatever, unnie." A cub retorted, laughing at her unnies' previous exchange.

The bunny, Nayeon, only pouted. "Okay. Okay. Since I made you wait, tonight's my treat! Order anything you want."

"Wow! Thank you, unnie!"

"You better." Jeongyeon replied, still irritated.

Their order came fast and soon enough they were comfortably talking, typically catching up.

And as usually, Mina and Chaeyoung, tho taking part in the conversation, are still in their own world, feeding each other, every now and then.

It was when Chaeyoung cleaned the side of Mina's face with a napkin when they received the usual teasing from their unnies.

"Ohh... Don't you think you're too close? If we don't know you, we'd think you're together." Jeongyeon said smirking.

Chaeyoung quickly backed away shyly, rubbing her nape while Mina just blushed profusely.

"Whatever, unnie. It's not like you're not like this with each other anyway and you aren't even together too. To think of it, you're even sweeter than us or even SaiDa at times you know." The younger mocked, making the older two look away. Seems like she hit a spot.

To stop the banter, Mina but in. "Anyway, why'd you invite us over, unnie?"

With that, all attention shifted to the oldest, who shifted, somehow uncomfortably, on her seat.

"Well, you see. A co-actor of mine said..." She looked quickly over Jeongyeon, before lowering her eyes, "He said, he wanted to court me. And I wanted to ask you guys about your opinion."

They suddenly became quiet. With the younger two awkwardly looking at each other, before stealing a glimpse on their other unnie, who seemed to be holding her cutlery a little bit tighter now.

Due to the silence, Nayeon continued talking, "My co-workers were encouraging me to entertain him, saying that I'm not getting any younger, and sooner or later, I will need to settle down, so why not try? What do you think?"

"Well, uhm... It depends, unnie. What do you think about him? Do you like him?" Mina asked hesitantly.

"I... I actually don't know yet. He's a nice guy tho. A gentleman. Very generous too. Family oriented and religious as well. He makes me laugh. He's not too bad, so I was thinking that if I'd try dating, maybe he wouldn't be a bad option?"

Again, silence. No one seem to even want to eat at this point.

"If you think that way, unnie, know that we'd support you. If you think he can make you happy, who are we to disapprove." The youngest sincerely said, holding the oldest's hand.

"You think so? Should I--" Her words were cut of, as Jeongyeon let go of her utensils then stood up, throwing her napkin on the table, before storming off.

"Yah, Jeongyeon-ah!" Nayeon shouted, quickly getting money, for the bill before following the other, leaving the younger two.

"Yah! Yoo Jeongyeon! What's the matter with you? Why are you leaving all of a sudden?" They were already in the parking lot, but she still wasn't able to catch up with the younger. She was having a hard time keeping up because of her high heels.

"Hey! Wait up!" Still no response.


"Fuck! Why are you so fucking clumsy!" Jeongyeon quickly rushed to her side, checking on her bleeding knee.

Instead of answering, she quickly cages the younger in a tight hug, hitting her back softly, crying.

"This is your fault! Why'd you even have to leave. I was calling you, but you wouldn't listen. I thought you're leaving me for good. I hate you!"

The other girl didn't reply, instead she just tighten the hug burying her face on Nayeon's shoulder.

"Mianhe. You know I would never do that. I'll never leave you. I promised, right? I just... I was just angry."

Nayeon faced her, moving away from the hug.

"What did I even do this time? I didn't even do anything, you wouldn't even talk to me earlier and now you're telling me you're mad at me. You know what? I don't get you! You're so frustrating!

You make me feel happy and special one moment, then bully me and take me for granted the next. You tell me that you'll always be there for me, but you're always missing in action. You tell me that I'm your best friends, but you hide things from me. Seriously, what's your problem?!" She continued hitting Jeongyeon's chest.

"I'm sorry. I'm just... I'm sorry if I left earlier. I just... I can't think of you dating someone else. I'm sorry if I confuse you, but I just can't come too close to you, I'm just trying to protect what we have. I'm sorry for trying to distance myself, I'm just trying to protect my heart. And that I can't tell you my deepest secrets, because I'm afraid that if I do, I'll lose you." She admitted.

"What do you mean? Please, stop talking in riddles cause I don't understand you."

"I thought I was okay with this, with what we had. I thought I was happy having you as a friend, cause you were within my reach. But I guess I was wrong. I don't think I can settle with just this. I don't think I can suppress my feelings any longer. I'm selfish, and I don't share. I know you know that. So, before you give yourself away to someone else, I'm claiming you as mine." With that, Jeongyeon pulled Nayeon by her nape, securely hugging her waist, diving in for a passionate kiss.

The older was shocked, but soon enough, she closed her eyes, let go, and reciprocated the kiss she never knew she longed for.

At a small distance were our two protagonists, red faced and unable to look at each other because of the scene they just witnessed.

"Ahh... I don't think they still need us. We better get going and give them some privacy. Let's go, babe?" Chaeyoung offered her hand, which Mina gladly accepted with a smile, entwining thier fingers, which perfectly fit together. They walked silently contented, knowing that their friends were finally able to fix their miscommunication and settled with what their hearts truly want.

So, it seems Nayeon won't be dating that co-star after all.

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