A Typical MiChaeng Morning

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Chaeyoung woke up early to the sound of an alarm clock. As she reached for it, she found that it was hers. She turned it off, going back to hugging the girl, whose body was practically, almost fully, on top of her.

She cuddled with her for a few more minutes, engulfing her with a warm hug, relaxing to the feeling of the other's heartbeat. She sniffed her hair and it smelled heavenly, like jasmine, so calming. The scent she came to love.

Another ringing of the alarm made the girl in her arms squirm. She quickly turned the alarm off again before patting the girl's shoulder, letting her sink further on the gap on the side of her neck.

If it was up to her, she would totally sleep the day in, but as she saw from the phone earlier, she has to get ready, or Mina will be late.

She let the girl settle for a few minutes. When she was sure that she's fallen back to deep slumber, she carefully untangled herself from her. After struggling for a bit, she successfully freed herself. She then proceeded to quickly wash up in the comfort room, before heading straight to the kitchen.

A few minutes later, another alarm rang from the room she was from, just in time for her to finish preparing the food she made.

She quickly strode and went straight to the room, turning the alarm off before proceeding to hover on top of the still sleeping figure - she's really tired you see.

She then started peppering the girl's face with kisses, tickling her sides.

"Wake up, baby. It's almost time to go. You wouldn't want to be late to work, would you." She said with a smile, continuing her attack.

"I'm up! I'm up! Chaeyoungie, stop!" Mina laughed, wrapping her arms around the cub's shoulders, caging her with a hug.

"Thanks for waking me up, babe." She kissed the smaller girls cheek, hugging her even tighter, thinking of how much she wishes to wake up like this for the rest of her life.

"Okay. As much as I love cuddling with you, you have to get up or you'll be late, slowpoke." Chaeyoung said, pulling her out of the bed and leading her to the dining table. There she found the homemade breakfast the girl woke up early to prepare. Though this is common occurrence in their home, it still made her heart leap.

She was pulled out of her reverie, with a squish on her hand. Chaeyoung was now already holding her hand, already done with putting food on her plate.

"Any problem, babe? Don't you want what I cooked? Should I make something else?" She couldn't help but smile with the question. She's really the sweetest.

How can anyone not fall for you, if you're like this, Son Chaeyoung?

Instead of answering the question, she decided to be a bit more playful, taking advantage of the opportunity of being babied by her baby.

"Ahh..." She said, opening her mouth, asking to be fed.

The smaller girl, can't help to smile at the silliness of her unnie, but still fed her. "Aigoo. My sweet baby. Eat well and be fatter."

Mina can't help but return the smile, as the younger pinched both of her cheeks.

And that's how their morning started.

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