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It was another lazy afternoon, and the two are in bed cuddling while watching their favorite Netflix show in the smart TV in their room. Chaeyoung laid, back resting in the bed's headboard, with Mina leaning on her front, held securely in her embrace. The older girl was playing with her fingers as they watched in silence.

A sudden ringing of a phone shattered their silence.

Chaeyoung beamed as she saw the caller ID, quickly answering with one hand, as the other still holds Mina's hand.

"Kookie! What's up!" She excitedly asked, hearing a loud laugh from the other line.

"And I missed you too, hon. I'm glad you haven't forgotten me yet. I'm sorry if I'm taking too long, but the tour's about to end. I'd finally be able to go home to you, my love. Just a few more sleeps." Joongkook happily said.

"Really now, Jeon? So you're thinking that I'll be the one to forget, when clearly, you're the one who meets numerous pretty ladies out there." She pouted. "But I'm so glad you'd be able to go home soon tho, I'm really looking forward to the keepsakes you got for me from all the places you went to." Chaeyoung continued, grinning teasingly.

"Yah! Son Chaeyoung, you're really excited only about the gifts and not of being with your boyfriend who's longing for you? I'm hurt."

Chaeyoung just answered with a laugh, imagining the pout that is surely pasted on her boyfriend's mouth at the moment.

Their conversation went on, without the cub remembering about the woman she is with on bed at the moment. They seemed to be in their own bubble, leaving the other girl dealing with her heart breaking alone.

Seemingly trying to get more comfortable while talking, the younger girl adjusted from her seat, pulling the older even closer to her, with the arm that was clutched on her mid section, holding her hand. She then proceeded to lay her head on the girl's shoulder. Said girl, being taken aback and flinching a bit, feeling the air from her mouth as she speaks.

Though tensed at the beginning, Mina eventually melted into the position, letting herself succumb to the warmth that was, little by little, mending her heart.

She's got it bad. She thought. Even with simple things like this, Chaeyoung can easily have her. She can't even be mad at her. She's even thinking about how it's okay to her having the former even just this way. Just a bit of time spent, just a small piece of herself with her, just a little love to be felt.

She's pathetic. She knows. But she loves her. Loves her so much that she can't lose her. Love her too much that she'll take anything that Chaeyoung can give. Even the smallest bits.

"So, you remembered my promise, right?" Jungkook said. "When I get back home, I have a big surprise for you, so be ready."

"And what might that be Mr. Jeon? Another extravagant something from my rich boyfriend? Did you finally buy me a tiger or lion cub? Or did you finally meet Justin Bieber and asked him to see me? Oh my gosh! If it's the last, I'd really love it!"

"Hell, no, honey. Even if you love him so much, I would never do that. I would not share you to any other guy, even if he's just your idol. You're mine, soon-to-be Mrs. Jeon. You can admire him, but never meet him. I don't want competition, you know. With your beauty and personality, only a stupid guy would let you slip away."

"Okay. Okay. Stop making me blush, pabo ya. I'll accept your reason for now, only because you're being cute cause you're jealous, but someday I'll get you to have me meet him. I swear!"

Both of them laughed at that continuing before finally bidding each other farewell, as Jimin called Jungkook for rehearsal. Though their talk was short, their hearts were full.

The call made Chaeyoung giddy. She's genuinely happy that the boy would finally be home. It's been months of being away from each other, she sure misses her boyfriend and can't wait to finally be with him again.

Another round of silence hit the room. Only the television can be heard. The two seemed to be deep in their own thoughts, forgetting that they're actually together.

After a few minutes, Mina tried to get Chaeyoung's attention by clearing her throat and facing the younger.

She was taken aback by how elated the cub looked, even her eyes are smiling and her dimple was showing. She surely seems happy with Jungkook, the older thought.

Breaking the silence, Mina asked, "You really do love him, don't you Changie?" forcing a smile.

The latter beams at her, showing her dimples as she replied, "Of course, unnie! You know me. He's my first boyfriend, isn't he? And I'm hoping he'll also be the last."

Her words broke the olders' heart but she tried not to show it. Maybe she was wrong all along. Maybe, she doesn't stand a chance. Maybe, she should accept the fact that this is all they'll ever be. Maybe, she should she give up this losing battle? But it is better to try and lose than to lose without even trying, right?

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