What's your secret?

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"Mina unnie?"

*Knock* *Knock*

"Unnie? Are you inside?"

Chaeyoung knocked again before opening the door to Mina's office, only to find out that she wasn't there.

"Hmm... Where could she be? Is she in her lab again?" With that thought, the little cub went straight to the other girl's laboratory.

You see, Mina is the top medical researcher of their company. Her responsibility is not only limited to helping her patients and saving lives, but she also aspires to come up with solutions to health related problems people experience.

"Isn't she awesome?" Chaeyoung thought, smiling to herself.

"Unnie?" She once again knocked, now on the door of Dr. Myoui's laboratory, but to no avail. So, with a few more failed attempts, she decided to let herself in.

There she found a sleeping penguin, with her head laid on her folded arms, on top of her study table.

"Tsk. Tsk. What a workaholic hard-headed woman. What am I to do to you, huh? Who's gonna take care of you if I'm no longer around?"

With a smile, she put the lunch she brought down on the empty section of the cabinet and took off her lab coat, using it as a blanket to warm the sleeping penguin up.

She decided to let the girl sleep in, cleaning up the mess in her lab. She picked the books and documents and arranged them on the of the desk, closed the laptop, cleaned up a bit, and looked into the samples on the drawers. When she was about to get the paper that was under her unnie's head, she suddenly woke up. What's weird is she looked dumbfounded when she saw that Chaeyoung was holding on to the papers she was working on, she quickly grabbed it back.

The younger girl was shocked with the reaction as well as seeing the older trying to avoid her eyes. Is she hiding something?

"Did you read it?" She asked, a bit accusing.

"Read what?" The cub's forehead creased, as she replied.

"My new research. Did you read it?" Mina was now looking at her, as if trying to see the honesty in her response.

"I didn't, unnie. I was just trying to tidy things up, so we can eat when you wake up. I swear I didn't try to snoop on your work." The younger replied, a bit hurt that the other woman seemed to be hiding something from her.

The older seemed to have noticed her sadness as she quickly stands up and hugs the pouting girl.

"Mianhe, Chaeyoung-ah, please don't misunderstand. I was just surprised to see you here." She rubbed the others back, before holding her tighter.

The younger hugged back, burying her face on her shoulder, sniffing the calming jasmine scent she came to love.

"Gwenchana, unnie. I was just sad cause I felt like you were accusing me of looking into your private stuff and that hiding secrets from me now. I thought we would never do that? We're best friends, remember?" There was a pause, and she felt like the person hugging her stiffened for a bit.

"Oh, I'm so sorry to have made you feel that way, my Chaeyoungie. I didn't mean to. You know I would never do that to you. It's just as, this is my most important work, and I want it to be a surprise. I want to tell you about it when I'm finally done." She replied after a while, moving a bit backward, cupping the younger's face.

" You'll be the first one to know, if it's ready, okay? Trust me on this." She enthusiastically continued, before peppering the younger's face with kisses.

"Now, you said you brought lunch. Where is it? I'm starving!"

That made the younger frown. "That's another thing, unnie! I've always told you to eat on time and take care of yourself right? So, why is it that if I don't go look for you to bring you food or remind you to eat, you wouldn't! Seriously, Myoui Mina, whose the older one between us two. Tsk. Tsk."

The smaller doctor said, folding her arms in front of her chest, trying to look as intimidating as possible, only to be laughed at by a certain penguin.

"You're so cute, baby! Oh my gosh! I didn't realize how much I missed you till now." The taller girl said, hugging the other again, squeezing her tight.

"Duh. We were together literally a few hours ago. We live together. Work together. Do everything together. Honestly, aren't you tired of seeing my face, Dr. Myoui."

"Never. That's one thing I'm sure of. You can get tired of me, but I never will. And I assure you, you won't be able to get rid of me too. You're forever tied to me." Mina replied, entwining their finger while pulling Chaeyoung to the table, so they can sit and start eating.

Everything went smoothly after that. As in Mina babying her Chaeyoung and them acting like a newly wed couple. This made Chaeyoung soon forget about the question that lingered in her mind about the project Mina was hiding from her.

What discovery or experiment was she trying to do now? I guess we'll just have to wait to find out.

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