What are you hiding?

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As the wedding date approached, Chaeyoung was engulfed in a flurry of preparations, yet her excitement was shadowed by concern for Mina. Mina, ever the supportive friend, was increasingly elusive, her visits to the shared apartment growing rarer each day.

Mina found refuge in her laboratory, a place where she could immerse herself in her work, away from the pain of witnessing Chaeyoung's happiness with Jungkook. Her research and experiments were her solace, but also a closely guarded secret that she was uneasy about Chaeyoung discovering.

One evening, driven by concern, Chaeyoung decided to surprise Mina at her laboratory. She found Mina deeply engrossed in her work, surrounded by an array of scientific equipment. "Mina, you're working yourself to the bone," Chaeyoung observed, worry etched on her face.

Mina, startled by her friend's sudden appearance, quickly covered some of her research notes. "Chaeyoung, what are you doing here? You should be getting rest with all the wedding planning," she replied, a hint of nervousness in her voice.

Chaeyoung, noticing Mina's unease and the hastily concealed notes, felt a twinge of curiosity. "Mina, is everything okay? What are you working on that's so secretive?"

Mina averted her gaze, her voice tense. "It's just some complex research, Chaeyoung. Nothing for you to worry about. I'm just... really focused right now."

Though Chaeyoung was puzzled by Mina's behavior, she decided not to pry further. "Alright, Mina. But remember, I'm here if you need to talk. I miss our time together."

Leaving the laboratory, Chaeyoung couldn't shake off a sense of unease about Mina's secretive project. Mina, meanwhile, let out a sigh of relief, her heart heavy with the burden of her hidden work and unrequited love.


In the following days, Chaeyoung's wedding to Jungkook became the centerpiece of their lives. Despite her joy, Chaeyoung couldn't help feeling the absence of her best friend.

Mina continued to immerse herself in her research, her time in the lab becoming longer and her visits home more infrequent. She was torn between her love for Chaeyoung and the fear of her discovering the true nature of her experiments.

"I'm sorry, Chaeyoung. This is the only way I can keep at least a part of you." Mina thought.

As the wedding eve arrived, Chaeyoung, surrounded by the trappings of her upcoming nuptials, dialed Mina's number. "Mina, I just... I miss you. Are you sure everything is okay?"

Mina, standing amidst her secretive work, felt a pang of guilt. "I miss you too, Chaeyoung. Everything's fine, just really busy. Congratulations, you're going to be a beautiful bride."

They shared a conversation filled with nostalgia, but the unspoken secrets created a chasm between them. Ending the call, both women were engulfed in their own worlds of emotion – Chaeyoung in her bittersweet happiness and Mina in her solitary struggle, her secret research a constant reminder of the love she couldn't express.

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