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I have no idea how I was able to arrive at the hospital, in the span of 5 minutes, but I think it might be because I really am damned. Not to mention that I even went to the flower shop and convenience store before coming here. What am I going to do? Irritated Mina is cute, but mad Mina can eat you alive. I am so dead!

I am an hour early for my shift, some nurses I passed by gave me wondering looks but when they noticed the flowers I am bringing, I think they knew the reason why.

I headed straight to the nursery. I don't know why, but I had the gut feeling that she was not in her office, but there instead. Mina unnie loves looking at cute newborn babies when she is stressed or mad. She said that it was because all negative emotions are lost when you look at newborn babies' innocent faces.

And I was right. As I arrived there, I found the most beautiful girl in the hospital, staring blankly at the babies in front of her, and as I saw her, I felt my knees turn into jelly, not because of fear, but something else I cannot name.

I could just stand there in a distance, watching her, and I'll be just fine, but unfortunately, I think she felt my gaze, so she looked behind her and saw me.

I gave her a nervous smile, which she answered with her death glare, before passing by me.

I quickly ran after her then, not wanting to anger her more. When I arrived in front of her office, she was about to close the door, so I used my foot to stop the door from closing.

"Ouch!" and with that she opened the door.

"Shit! Are you crazy?! Why did you do that? Are you really looking for pain?" She scolded me while helping me sit on her couch.

"Aww! My foot hurts like hell, and you're still scolding me? I just did that because I know that's the only way for you to let me in and to talk to me. Plus, I never thought it would hurt this much. Protagonists in movies do that always and end up looking like it was nothing."

"Why, Chaeyoung, are you in a movie? You know what? I sometimes question if you really are a cum laude and a top psychiatrist or a mentally ill person who just escaped from an asylum!" She said frustrated while checking on my foot. "Thank God you didn't break anything, but it might swell due to the impact. Do you want me to borrow crutches for you?"

"No need. I'm okay. Just accept my apology and I'll be alright; good as new." I smiled widely at her, showing her my dimples, which she answered with a frown. "But seriously, baby, I'm sorry. Flowers and chocolates for the most gorgeous woman I've ever laid eyes on." I continued offering them to her. But instead of being happy, she just glared at me and headed to her table.

"Go to your office right away once you think you can walk. Bye."

Minutes passed, but I just stayed right there, not talking nor moving, just watching her do her paper works and read lab results. It's because I don't know what I should say to her. I don't wanna leave too because I don't want her to be mad, so I remained.

"Don't you have any plans on leaving my office? Don't you have anything better to do with your life? You still have your duty, in case you forgot," she suddenly uttered with her eyebrow raised.

"I arrived an hour earlier than my shift for you, babe. I wanted to apologize," I replied to her with my puppy eyes.

She seemed to have been taken aback, but she still regained her composure and answered, "If you don't have work, well then, I do."

"I also kinda booked your schedule for an hour?" I muttered, almost a whisper, before shutting my eyes, afraid of what she might say.

"What did you just say?!"

"Uhm... Babe, I just wanted to talk to you, and I know that that won't happed if you are working, so that's why. I'm really sorry, baby. Forgive me, please? I just want to make it up to you," I almost had my tongue tied trying to answer her, fearing that she might eat me alive because of what I did.

"Oh my gosh, Chaeyoung! Are you really not thinking? Why? Do you have ovarian cancer? A cyst? Or are you pregnant? 'Cause those should have been the reason for you to consult me. Have you even thought about those people who really needed my help when you did this? How are they supposed to get a check up, if you booked all of my time?"

I just stared at her and sighed in defeat. She really is a dedicated doctor. She makes me proud at times like this, but I also felt sad because I really did want to spend more time with her, aside from apologizing. I missed being with my baby because of yesterday.

So, I just went out of her door with my shoulders slumped, defeated, and she didn't even say a word or stopped me. Well, I think she's really mad, and I screwed up even more. Wrong move, Chaeng.

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