This is What a Good Night is Like

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Mina was busy cooking dinner when she felt a weight on her shoulder and warmth, as arms were wrapped around her waist.

"Oh, you're up?" She said, putting the ladle down, before putting one of her hands on the ones lying on her stomach and using the other to softly patting the head on her shoulder.

She merely heard a light, hmm... and felt the other sniffing her neck. This meant that her baby was still sleepy, but it's almost meal time, so she carefully looked back, making the younger move a bit back. She did this, so they could face each other, though Chaeyoung's arms are still secured on her mid-section.

"You're still sleepy, babe? But it's almost dinner time." She asked, moving the stray hair that fell in front of the girl's face, placing them gently behind her ear.

The other just pouted, and she couldn't stop herself from smiling because of the cuteness.

"Aw, my poor big baby. Why don't you just sit by the table, while waiting for the food to cook? I'm almost done, hmm?" She cooed, rubbing the face she adores.

"Nope. I wanna stay here. I'll wait for you." The Chaeyoung protested, hugging her back tighter, as she buried her face on her nape, making Mina face the stove again.

"Btw, I'm mad at you. I woke up and you weren't beside me. You know how much I hate that, right?" Well, that's true. As per the smaller girl, she loves seeing the other girls face, as soon as she opens her eyes, it lightens up her mood, according to her, which explains her grumpiness now, because she woke up alone in their bed.

Mina can only grimace. It's her bad, actually. She was expected that she'd be done with the meal before the cub wakes up, but seems like she was wrong.

"Mianhe, baby. How can I make it up to you? What do you want?" She faced the other girl, who acted like she was thinking, even putting her finger on her temple, to complete the act.

"Hmm... Well, can you get me a new tiger plushy? And you owe me a date when we're free. Oh! And... And let's Netflix and chill tonight!" Chaeng grinned.

"Okay. Okay. Your wish is my command, your highness. What a demanding princess, you are. I'm starting to believe that you really are spoiled."

That's true. Their friends often says that Mina is like a mother to Chaeyoung, always pampering her, and giving her all she wants. Hell, honestly, the older is willing to give her all of herself, if the younger wants.

"Well, only by you. And I'm the only one you can and should spoil too. You can only look at me, remember." She proudly said, with a hint of a threat.

"Whatever whiney, baby. Don't worry, I'm all yours. Now, set the table up, cause I think the food is ready. I'm hungry."

"Yes, boss! Can't let my queen starve." The girl exclaimed, saluting to her. Making both of them laugh, before she went off.


They were now on the couch, with Chaeyoung lying on Mina's lap playing with her fingers. The former is now rewatching Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire, while the latter was reading.

They were peacefully doing their things, like the usual, when the younger suddenly bolts up. She then proceeded to poke the older's cheek.

"Yes, babe?" Mina shifted her attention to her, after a few pokes.

"I just don't get it. Why does Harry never see Hermione. Why did he never consider her as someone more than just a friend? I mean, they obviously are perfect for each other. The chemistry is there. The foundation of friendship is there, even the tension. Hermione even gave a subtle hint that she likes him in this part of the series. Why didn't she pursue him? I think it's such a shame that they didn't try. Fans prefer them, even. The author should've considered that." She blurted out her frustration.

Mina was taken aback with the question. "How ironic, Chaeyoung. That's the exact question I have for you. How about you? Why don't you see that there could be more than this? More than what we have?" She thought.

"Well, hmm... Maybe, it wasn't meant to be? Or maybe, Harry actually did see the fact that she and Hermione could be a great pair, but he decided that it would be better to stay friends, that they could be together longer this way. Or maybe, Hermione saw that Harry was in love with someone else, and she saw that he was happy, and that was enough for her. You know, we can't decide for others, we can only do that for ourselves. It doesn't mean that if you think this is right, it is also for others. Maybe, m J.K. Rowling saw a bigger picture that you didn't." She ended, just in time for the credits of the movie to roll.

With a sigh, Chaeyoung agrees. Her unnie is right. Mina is always right. That is what the younger loves about her. She doesn't only knows just how to get her, she also can help her straighten up her mind. She loves how she sends logic into her. The thought made her smile. Mina unnie is right. She can't decide for others, especially movie or book characters, their path is already set, all she can do is to make her own.

That night ended with Mina laying on Chaeyoung's shoulder, arm and leg wrapped around her, as she sleeps. The latter on the other hand was left to wonder, if she's in that situation, what would she do. Is love worth sacrificing friendship?

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