We're just friends?

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"Good morning babe! Get up! Come on! We're going to be late." Her sweet voice had once again ruined my good night sleep, as she started kissing my face.

"Hmm... 5 more minutes babe," I replied before pulling her back to bed and hugging her tight, wrapping my arms and thighs around her.

"This is unfair! I actually woke up early, so we won't be late like yesterday." I can imagine her pouting beside me, but I really am sleepy, so I just hugged her tighter and said, "Shut up, and just hug me back, babe. Dream of me." Then, I kissed her, still with my eyes closed, before drifting off to sleep.

After I think a few hours, I woke up because of hunger, just to see the beauty that lies quietly, all cuddled up, beside me. I can never deny the fact that she is beautiful, very beautiful actually, inside and out. She is the epitome of beauty and brains. No one can come close.

I was busy tracing her facial features when she woke up. 

"What time is it?" she asked, before burying her face on my chest. "I don't know. Are you hungry?" I replied.

"No, let's just stay here for a few more minutes." And so, we did, but then, a phone suddenly rang. I figured it was mine, so I got up carefully, reaching for it on the bedside table. She was just looking at me as I did.

"Hello, Jungkook. Good morning to you too. Yes. Oh, I totally forgot. Gosh! I'm so sorry! How long have you been waiting? Can you wait for me for another 30-45 minutes? I'll try to get there as fast as I could. I'm really sorry, honey. It totally slipped out of my mind. Ah, thank you, Hon. Be there in a bit. Yes, I will. I love you too."

When I turned to the person beside me, I saw her looking straight at me. I don't know if it's just me or I really did see pain cross her eyes, as she looked away from me before saying, "I'll just go downstairs and cook for us; just come down when you're done."

She didn't even spare me a glace afterwards, but I just shrugged it off, thinking that she was just not in the mood because of waking up. Anyways, I really am late, so I just decided to do my rituals before going downstairs, finding my oh-so-sexy-bestfriend cooking in the kitchen.

Instead of just calling out on her, I just simply made my way to her back to hug her. I think I'm addicted to her smell. She smells so good, even after dancing and all. It's like even her sweat is perfume.

So, back to it, I placed my head at the crook of her neck and kissed it before beaming a smile on her and kissing her cheek.

"Good morning again, my unbeautiful best friend!"

She faced me with her annoyed look and her face before looking at me like she was throwing daggers to me with her eyes. "What did you just say, Son?!"

I laughed at the sight of the angry Mina in front of me, because honestly, she's just the cutest when she's mad.

"And you really have the nerve to laugh at me after saying that, huh?!"

But instead of answering, I just gave her another peck, on her other cheek, this time. "Aren't you the cutest now, hmm?"

"Of course you are not beautiful – opps! Let me finish first – You are not beautiful because the word would not suffice for you. I prefer calling you gorgeous babe."

She seemed to have been dumbfounded with what I said, and I think she even blushed. So, instead of facing her wrath, I just went out after kissing her softly in the forehead saying, "I love you, Unnie!" before winking and leaving, heading straight to the dining area.

A couple of minutes passed and she soon followed, bringing the pancakes she cooked; she really does know my favorite – pancakes with LOTS of strawberries on top. Yum!

I was so excited to munch on the food she prepared, when she suddenly slapped my hand, stopping me from reaching for them.

"Ouch. What's your problem?" I asked with a pout.

"Don't pout at me Chaeng Chaeng. After what you said earlier... Tsk. Make your own breakfast," she said, with her hands on her hips.

"Oh, come on! Babe, you know I was just kidding, right? You haven't even sat down and you already have the biggest frown." And with that, I pulled her to sit on my lap. "I'm sorry baby. You wouldn't me to starve, right?" I tried my best to sound cute and even used my puppy eyes just to convince her. Partly, because I really am hungry.

"Tsk! Unfair! Why can't I resist you? Huh, Son?! Ugh," she irritably asked, but I just answered with a laugh.

"Cause I'm cute, and you love me," I finally said then with another wink.

For a while I thought that she seemed taken aback with what I said, but once she regained her composure, she pinched my lips to make it seem like I am pouting, before kissing my forehead saying, "Okay. Okay. I admit you're cute and..."

I was not able to hear the last part, because my phone rang again.

"Oh, shit! It's Jungkook! Wait a minute, babe," I told her apologetically. After I said that, she stood up quickly from my lap and sat on the chair across mine, then she started eating quietly.

"Hon, sorry, I'm coming. I'm actually about to leave. I'll make it up to you. I promise. Bye. Love you."

I turned to Mina unnie and told her that I had to leave already, but instead of answering, she just looked at the table and the food, and then back at me, before smiling a bit and nodding at me.

As if that was my cue, I smiled back at her and kissed her forehead, asking her to take care, before I headed to the door.

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