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The drive to the mall, luckily, went smooth. I was able to arrive at exactly 30 minutes, after Jungkook called me. Thank God.

I headed straight to the café where he was waiting for me, and right after he saw me, he automatically beamed a smile at me. Good thing, he's a nice guy. If we are talking about patience, I can't really complain about my boyfriend. That's why I'm so lucky to have him.

"Good morning, hon! I missed you so much." He greeted me with a tight hug and kissed my cheek, before guiding me to our table, pulling a chair and helping me sit. He's such a gentleman. It made me smile automatically.

"Have you eaten, Chae? Go order first. You know how much I hate it when you don't eat on time, especially because you'll be needing a lot of energy for all the things I planned for our date. I missed you so much, you know. I want to make our time together memorable and well spent," he said smiling.

Jungkook may not be the best boyfriend, but he always makes it a point to have enough time or even make time for me. He's very busy with his career, but he still makes me feel like I'm still one of his top priorities, that's why whenever he has time, like today, he planned a lot of thing so that we can enjoy our time together and bond.

"And... there goes my sweet boyfriend, so where do you plan to take me, lover boy?" I asked teasingly and curiously.

"There are too many to mention, honey. We're going to roam around, relax, and also bond. If its possible I would love to even elope with you, but we both know Mr. Son is going to kill me if I do that, so I have to behave for the meantime," I laughed with what he said, and I smacked the back of his head. He really loves teasing me, but I seriously love this guy, though he can be playful like this sometimes, I can feel that he loves me just as much, if not more than I love him.

Just like what he said, we went to the date he planned, walking and driving aimlessly, going to wherever our feet or his car brings us, chatting about the things we missed in each other's lives. We went from the mall, to the amusement park, to the beach. We were able to go to all of those places without even realizing it. People really don't notice the time when they're happy.

We are currently star gazing, all cuddled up at the back of his truck, which he decorated to make it feel like a comfy bed. We even have have blankets, pillows, and also stuffed toys.

"How I wish this day never ends." I heard him whisper in my ear, before back hugging me tight. "But we both know that it has to." I answered while looking at the stars

"Can we stay here, love. Can we sleep here? Only if it's okay with you. I want to cuddle you while sleeping," he pleaded, looking me in the eyes.

"But hon, Mina unnie's alone at home."

"Please... just this time. This is the only time I requested something from you. I really wanna be with you longer. The boys and I will be on tour for a month, and we'll be leaving the day after tomorrow; I'm going to miss you so much." With that, he hugged me even tighter.

"But hon... Okay. Okay. Just this once. You're lucky I love you, and you've been a good boy. Let's sleep?" I said, facing him, so I can hug him back. I really am sleepy.

"Yes! Thank you. I love you hon!" That's the last thing I heard before I dozed off.

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