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After what had happened the last time, we got back to normal. Normal being Mina unnie and I being the clingiest best friends ever, as our friends refer to us.

Well, speaking of friends, we have a small group of friends that we consider family. We are 9 in our circle. We met during high school. Because of our passion in singing and dancing, we instantly clicked, though we are of different ages and have different personalities.

We started off as strangers who got together because we had the same passion, that being performing. Twice was actually formed accidentally. Our leader, Jihyo unnie, who was the student body president in our school, held an audition for a performance that our school would be competing in that time. It was supposed to be a one time thing, but as we went off the stage our principal was in so much awe that he made us one of our school's representatives.

We go by the name TWICE. This was actually the name we came up with during high school for introductions during performances we had before. It means that we are going to capture the hearts of our audiences twice, first with our dance performance and second with our voices. We used to join contests and almost always won 1st place, which people say is because of our talents and charm. Not that I'm bragging though. Oh! We also perform on T.V. too, sometimes, due to Jihyo unnie.

Our group of friends is composed by Im Nayeon; a famous soloist singer; Yoo Jeongyeon, an in demand model; Hirai Momo, the best choreographer in the Kpop industry; Minatozaki Sana, who's a nurse in the same Hospital as Mina unnie and I (and a part time model too!), Park Jihyo, an Entertainment company's CEO; Myoui Mina, the best OB-Gynecologist and researcher in her field; Kim Dahyun, our one heck of an entertainer; myself, Son Chaeyoung, registered Psychiatrist, and Chou Tzuyu, who owns numerous businesses to even mention (she's rich as hell like Minari!).

Mina unnie is an excellent dancer. She had been studying ballet since she was in elementary, but she is a very shy girl. She loves performing and is a hella talented person. She also had a very soothing soft voice that I love listening to, as she sings me to sleep every night through our late night phone calls.

That's the reason why I decided persuaded her to join the audition, but the catch is, she made me promise that I would join too. She said that she would only join if I did too.

I actually thought it was ridiculous cause I didn't think that I was half as talented as she is. Yes, I can sing, dance, and rap, but that is only occasionally, most often than not, it's only when I'm bored.

I really wanted to watch Minari perform on stage, so I agreed. I guess we impressed the scouting team because right after we performed our audition pieces, we were quickly accepted in the group.

I never thought I wanted to have 8 chaotic but loving sister in my life, till I had them. Twice became my escape. They were more than just my friends. They are my family. They are very dear to me, though I never get to say it to them, and I am very thankful for having them.

Since Twice was formed, Mina unnie and my quiet introverted world drastically changed, and before we knew it, life was never the same with Nayeon unnie and Jeongyeon unnie bickering; Momo unnie eating everything edible she sees in sight; Sana unnie trying to flirt with Dahyun unnie, and failing, ending up with her finding another target, which is anyone who wears a skirt, btw, Jihyo unnie losing her mind trying to keep the peace in our little family, and Tzuyu being her undisturbed self.

We were inseparable. Though we weren't in the same year levels, with Nayeon unnie, Jeongyeon unnie, Momo unnie, Sana unnie, as seniors; Jihyo unnie and Mina unnie being juniors; and Dahyun unnie, Tzuyu, and I being freshmen, we still made sure to meet every day. We usually hung out during break times and lunch time, that as the unnies graduated, us maknaes decided to call ourselves the school meal club, or friends who usually meet during school meal time, because of having different class schedules.

I actually thought that high school would be lonely, as Minari was accelerated by a year, so that she can catch up with students her age, but it turned out to be the exact opposite. High school became my happiest years, because it was when I met my second family.

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